2013-08-20T00:29:35 *** tosiaki has joined #thcrap 2013-08-20T00:34:51 *** tosiaki has quit IRC 2013-08-20T00:49:37 *** tosiaki has joined #thcrap 2013-08-20T01:01:37 *** BM_ has joined #thcrap 2013-08-20T01:42:33 *** natsurou has quit IRC 2013-08-20T01:54:23 *** which2hu has joined #thcrap 2013-08-20T01:54:32 'lo. 2013-08-20T01:54:40 Hello :) 2013-08-20T01:54:51 how goes it? 2013-08-20T01:55:20 Fine, thanks. 2013-08-20T01:55:54 it seems technology has left me behind again. there are now self-updating, automatic translation patches? we live a glorious age, surely 2013-08-20T02:00:32 what are some of the more colourful translations? pirate english? 2013-08-20T02:00:39 does that make them talk like pirates? 2013-08-20T02:01:32 Yes. It's only done for... the first 3 stages of Marisa A in th14, though. 2013-08-20T02:02:45 neat 2013-08-20T02:03:03 are any of the english translations completed? i tried loading the glorious queen's english version and all that's translated are the spell cards 2013-08-20T02:03:41 British English? You're supposed to stack that on top of regular English, because it only contains the differences. 2013-08-20T02:04:07 ahh, i did not know that. i will try it 2013-08-20T02:04:29 unless i missed it, there was no mention of it when i ran it 2013-08-20T02:04:54 I think it explicitly says so in the configuration tool. ^^ 2013-08-20T02:05:07 "British English differences (use on top of lang_en)" 2013-08-20T02:05:57 ah, that's where i missed it. it didn't occur to me what 'use on top' meant 2013-08-20T02:06:37 speaking of being retarded, wow, the marisa icon 2013-08-20T02:07:23 I see. I guess I should make that a bit clearer in the configuration tool. Good timing, I'm about to release a new build of thcrap anyway. 2013-08-20T02:07:50 Yeah... That really is the best artwork we got so far, and we even had to pay for it. :( 2013-08-20T02:08:07 ouch. 2013-08-20T02:08:20 you done got trolled 2013-08-20T02:09:00 i am clearly not very technical, but if you need any help editing with english, i would be happy to lend a hand 2013-08-20T02:33:35 well, thanks for making a program to help the community anyway 2013-08-20T02:33:39 *** which2hu has quit IRC 2013-08-20T02:53:20 Nmlgc: you could make it transperent to the user 2013-08-20T02:53:46 the "on top" part of the British English patch 2013-08-20T02:53:51 https://github.com/nmlgc/thcrap/issues/18 2013-08-20T02:53:52 <[Bot]MagicStone> Title: thcrap_configure: Support patch dependencies · Issue #18 · nmlgc/thcrap · GitHub (at github.com) 2013-08-20T02:54:34 yep 2013-08-20T02:54:55 Sure... right after the resolution dialog and the dynamic base address support and the vsync patch support :3 2013-08-20T02:54:57 oh, also, github added Releases a few month ago 2013-08-20T02:55:20 ... which I already use. https://github.com/nmlgc/thcrap/releases 2013-08-20T02:55:21 <[Bot]MagicStone> Title: Releases · nmlgc/thcrap · GitHub (at github.com) 2013-08-20T02:55:34 good :) 2013-08-20T02:56:30 but still no anonymous isses, wich migh be a good thing because of possible spam 2013-08-20T03:02:31 i guess most users won't even bother reporting issues to the issue tracker anyway 2013-08-20T03:03:10 *** nurupo is now known as nurupo|away 2013-08-20T03:04:00 *** nurupo|away is now known as nurupo 2013-08-20T03:04:34 >Great job lying ZUN straight into his face, Shrinemaiden. 2013-08-20T03:04:37 ? 2013-08-20T03:05:44 -.- 2013-08-20T03:05:58 So, there's this thing: http://www.shrinemaiden.org/2013/08/19/awa-2013-zun-updates/ 2013-08-20T03:06:30 Where they say "By the way, he thinks that it’s hilarious that we’re willing to drop $20-30 and even higher for certain Touhou games" 2013-08-20T03:12:00 well, while most would just pirate it as soon as it's released in japan, some western fans might buy the game, i personally think that the $10 is pretty reasonable for such game, unless you are some extreme fan and willing to buy it for higher, $20-30 for example 2013-08-20T03:13:32 but it would still be in japanese 2013-08-20T03:13:38 huh 2013-08-20T03:16:14 Nmlgc: btw, do you know Spice and Wolf? 2013-08-20T03:17:13 the same author wrote a story for World End Economica vn for/as part of Spicy Tails circle 2013-08-20T03:17:35 and they released English translation for it 2013-08-20T03:17:42 http://www.dlsite.com/eng/work/=/product_id/RE116688.html 2013-08-20T03:17:44 <[Bot]MagicStone> Title: World End Economica episode.1 [Spicy Tails] | DLsite English (at www.dlsite.com) 2013-08-20T03:17:53 >Download : 119 2013-08-20T03:18:00 *** Nmlgc has quit IRC 2013-08-20T03:18:43 that's quite low, i wonder if the translation even payed off 2013-08-20T03:19:06 ad that only a 1/3 part of the vn. it's split in 3 parts. 2013-08-20T03:19:37 *and 2013-08-20T03:20:38 meanwhile http://www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=442351 2013-08-20T03:20:39 <[Bot]MagicStone> Title: NyaaTorrents World End Economica - 01 [VN] [ENG] [PC] (at www.nyaa.se) 2013-08-20T03:20:50 >Downloads: 1675 2013-08-20T03:22:55 it's nothing new, most games end up being pirated by a lot of people, but it kind of feels sad, i wonder if they will translate the 2nd and 3rd parts into English after this 2013-08-20T03:24:06 @later tell Nmlgc lookup the log 2013-08-20T03:24:06 <[Bot]MagicStone> nurupo: The operation succeeded. 2013-08-20T03:24:39 *** nurupo is now known as nurupo|away 2013-08-20T03:50:22 *** natsurou has joined #thcrap 2013-08-20T04:19:50 *** magictape has quit IRC 2013-08-20T04:43:05 *** xJeePx has joined #thcrap 2013-08-20T06:43:13 *** Nmlgc has joined #thcrap 2013-08-20T07:42:10 *** albel727 has joined #thcrap 2013-08-20T08:14:44 *** BM_ has quit IRC 2013-08-20T08:38:45 *** albel727 has quit IRC 2013-08-20T08:39:58 *** albel727 has joined #thcrap 2013-08-20T10:37:11 *** Ramnik has joined #thcrap 2013-08-20T12:25:28 *** Ramnik has quit IRC 2013-08-20T14:25:00 *** albel727 has quit IRC 2013-08-20T14:40:15 *** Nmlgc has quit IRC 2013-08-20T15:13:54 *** KyoriAsh has quit IRC 2013-08-20T15:18:48 *** KyoriAsh has joined #thcrap 2013-08-20T16:16:28 *** nurupo|away is now known as nurupo 2013-08-20T17:07:54 *** nurupo is now known as nurupo|away 2013-08-20T17:35:00 *** tosiaki has quit IRC 2013-08-20T17:35:03 *** albel728 is now known as albel727 2013-08-20T18:21:40 *** tosiaki has joined #thcrap 2013-08-20T18:36:19 *** tosiaki has quit IRC 2013-08-20T19:03:17 *** tosiaki has joined #thcrap 2013-08-20T19:10:45 albel727: u there? 2013-08-20T19:11:17 no 2013-08-20T19:11:19 http://moe.tengu.pw/fM.png 2013-08-20T19:11:27 Does that sound like a natural reply? 2013-08-20T19:18:08 albel727: ? :< 2013-08-20T19:20:56 what's with that face? do you perhaps own me or something? not being a japanese I don't have any authority in judging reply naturality. not knowing what video you are talking about, I'm not even sure what is being talked about. but fast fingers probably don't translate into what you think. 2013-08-20T19:22:55 He is doubting the speed of the fingers of the guy in the video 2013-08-20T19:23:34 and I'm trying to tell I've seen a lot faster fingers 2013-08-20T19:23:44 I see. well, I wouldn't use 手早い with fingers 2013-08-20T19:24:18 What should I use? 2013-08-20T19:25:07 just 早い ? 2013-08-20T19:25:23 well, just 速い would be enough 2013-08-20T19:25:34 no, 早い is for early 2013-08-20T19:25:50 http://moe.tengu.pw/fN.png 2013-08-20T19:25:54 Yeah this is why I ask 2013-08-20T19:26:03 and don't trust dictionaries 2013-08-20T19:26:06 blindly 2013-08-20T19:26:21 they might be correct but then again it might not fit the context 2013-08-20T19:26:29 yeah, edict and in this case jisho.org sucks 2013-08-20T19:26:59 and for this kind of questions you should join ##japanese 2013-08-20T19:27:07 ah 2013-08-20T19:28:32 and you certainly won't be the first finn there 2013-08-20T19:30:35 :P 2013-08-20T19:37:20 What's your opinion on weblio or goo? 2013-08-20T19:40:16 And kotobank. Weblio, goo, and kotobank seem to be the most popular dicitonaries... 2013-08-20T19:40:42 arbel727 2013-08-20T19:41:04 albel727 * 2013-08-20T19:48:21 Zerptap I would say もっと動きの速いのを見たことありましたなんだけど or もっと素早い動きを見たことがありましたなんだけど and I don't understand why you would put any w's in your reply because... doesn't it sound a little obnoxious to laugh right there? 2013-08-20T19:48:43 tosiaki: well idk 2013-08-20T19:48:51 I posted it already 2013-08-20T19:48:53 so w/e 2013-08-20T19:48:57 I see 2013-08-20T19:49:25 Jisho.org has some obvious mistakes... for example, its entry for 詰む 2013-08-20T19:49:59 But yeah, his doubting annoyed me 2013-08-20T19:50:31 Here is the weblio entry: http://www.weblio.jp/content/%E8%A9%B0%E3%82%80 and http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/%E8%A9%B0%E3%82%80 weblio might contain mistakes, but I think it's less likely. 2013-08-20T19:50:31 as lol, srsly 2013-08-20T19:50:33 <[Bot]MagicStone> Title: 詰むとは - 刀剣用語 Weblio辞書 (at www.weblio.jp) 2013-08-20T19:51:27 Well I suppose without knowing the context it might be difficult to judge whether it's appropriate to laugh. 2013-08-20T19:51:40 true 2013-08-20T19:51:44 But typically on YouTube you use polite language no matter how much slang you put in it. 2013-08-20T19:52:21 mkay 2013-08-20T19:52:22 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otjYtXsPwNs 2013-08-20T19:52:23 <[Bot]MagicStone> Title: 電話機でナイト・オブ・ナイツを演奏してみた - YouTube (at www.youtube.com) 2013-08-20T19:52:30 It's not so much that it is "polite" as it is that plain language sounds quite stiff when speaking to people. 2013-08-20T19:52:31 It's my practice ground 2013-08-20T19:53:05 Replying to those comments that is 2013-08-20T19:53:08 :D 2013-08-20T19:53:25 If u look at my older ones (Idunngifafug I learnt something) 2013-08-20T19:54:09 I suppose that many of my older comments posted on Nicovideo contained some unnatural Japanese... we'll I'll point something out. I don't understand the usage of 指 over 腕. It's the arms that are moving, not the fingers. 2013-08-20T19:54:42 hmm 2013-08-20T19:54:48 あれ?前もこの動画出てなかったか? ← Essentially saying, wasn't this video posted on YouTube before? 2013-08-20T19:54:51 I would say fingers in finnish at least 2013-08-20T19:54:59 it was 2013-08-20T19:55:04 Well there you go, differences in diction. You have to be careful about that. 2013-08-20T19:55:43 For example, when answering emails, several dutch people said to give "reactions" to emails rather than "replies." Without learning proper diction, you might make such mistakes in a foreign language. 2013-08-20T19:56:08 mmh 2013-08-20T19:56:15 this is why I am replying there 2013-08-20T19:56:20 so ppl can scold me 2013-08-20T19:56:23 like u atm :D 2013-08-20T19:56:58 Head is very often 首 and not 頭. Both feet and legs are referred to frequently with 足. I don't even remember the word for legs... 2013-08-20T19:57:56 Okay, it's 脚. Same pronounciation as 足 2013-08-20T19:58:07 mmh 2013-08-20T19:58:20 あし afaik 2013-08-20T19:58:21 Hands are frequently referred to with 腕 rather than 手 2013-08-20T19:59:03 reading for 腕 ? 2013-08-20T19:59:38 ude 2013-08-20T19:59:44 ah 2013-08-20T20:00:13 But yeah, to me it is the fingers that are fast as they are doing the most work 2013-08-20T20:00:23 the arm itself isn't moving that much 2013-08-20T20:00:44 Kinda like typing on a keyboard 2013-08-20T20:01:05 In Japanese, ou sorta have to think a little differently, I suppose. 2013-08-20T20:01:53 I'll keep that in mind 2013-08-20T20:02:26 はい、私もその動画見てました。でもこれはすごいですね。だから­私もこれをアップロードです。 I would rather say, そうです、その動画を見ていました。でもこの動画はすごいですね、だからこれをうpしました。 2013-08-20T20:02:57 Yeah I got informed about me sounding way too stiff there 2013-08-20T20:03:02 thus my second reply 2013-08-20T20:04:09 Notice how I removed all the 私 from the sentence. I think they're unnecessary. Furthermore, I replaced アップロードです with うpしました. On the internet, アップロード is not wrong, but very formally it would be 投稿 for upload. But in internet language, you usually up うp for upload. 2013-08-20T20:04:34 ah 2013-08-20T20:04:39 投稿者 would be uploader. It's basically a choice between 投稿 and うp 2013-08-20T20:07:05 If you want to say you re-uploaded something, you could say 再投稿 or 再うp 2013-08-20T20:09:12 Very often, when I want to look up a word, I put it in google followed by a とは. Usually I get results from kotobank, goo, and weblio, but sometimes if it's a really strange word, it might not show up in any of them, and I get to a special webpage to explain what it is. 2013-08-20T20:12:00 I bet I can dig up some awkward comments I made on nicovideo in the past... 2013-08-20T20:13:25 他の技が残ればゴッドハンドの確率は下がるかもね I made this comment here: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm17194269 2013-08-20T20:13:26 <[Bot]MagicStone> Title: 東方冥異伝SB 実況するんじゃない? part13 ‐ ニコニコ動画:Q (at www.nicovideo.jp) 2013-08-20T20:15:03 I would have now said, 他の技を残せばゴッドハンドの発動確率が減るね 2013-08-20T20:15:50 I added a かも without any reason to add it... that was the biggest part that was awkward about that comment. 2013-08-20T20:20:50 *** tosiaki has quit IRC 2013-08-20T20:21:45 *** tosiaki has joined #thcrap 2013-08-20T20:31:19 mmh 2013-08-20T20:31:23 was eating 2013-08-20T20:41:11 fuu sightread http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/938864 2013-08-20T20:41:20 woops not this channel 2013-08-20T21:26:15 *** tosiaki has quit IRC 2013-08-20T21:50:50 *** tosiaki has joined #thcrap 2013-08-20T21:59:10 *** tosiaki has quit IRC 2013-08-20T22:03:53 *** tosiaki has joined #thcrap 2013-08-20T22:16:29 *** BM has joined #thcrap 2013-08-20T22:16:34 *** BM is now known as BM_ 2013-08-20T22:18:18 *** tosiaki has quit IRC 2013-08-20T22:26:48 *** Zertap has quit IRC 2013-08-20T22:51:18 *** tosiaki has joined #thcrap 2013-08-20T23:07:47 *** Yosh has joined #thcrap 2013-08-20T23:10:07 Hello! 2013-08-20T23:17:55 *** tosiaki has quit IRC 2013-08-20T23:18:34 I recently downloaded the thcrap, but I have a question 2013-08-20T23:18:52 Is there a way to use vpatch and thcrap at the same time? 2013-08-20T23:22:59 Currently no. 2013-08-20T23:23:10 It's on Nmlgc list for future updates, though. 2013-08-20T23:44:04 I see, thanks for answer! 2013-08-20T23:56:08 *** Zertap has joined #thcrap