2012-11-20T00:03:53 *** Ibaraki_Ibuki has quit IRC 2012-11-20T00:31:47 *** Ibaraki_Ibuki has joined #thcrap 2012-11-20T01:45:31 *** Nmlgc has joined #thcrap 2012-11-20T01:45:50 \o 2012-11-20T01:45:54 \o 2012-11-20T01:46:05 * Nazeo leaves for work in 35 mins 2012-11-20T01:50:57 Ah, OK. 2012-11-20T01:51:10 That Hopeless Masquerade trailer is old news, by the way. 2012-11-20T01:51:16 * Nazeo smiles 2012-11-20T01:51:21 Based on it's view count 2012-11-20T01:51:23 Eh. 2012-11-20T01:51:58 www.youtube.com/watch?v=JbFyYb6y9PU << Because that's the original upload 2012-11-20T01:52:11 Oops 2012-11-20T01:52:55 Hooray for redundancy! 2012-11-20T02:00:02 Hah! Quite funny to see Edge of Perspective's community being confirmed as terrible from a different point of view, too. 2012-11-20T02:00:19 Right 2012-11-20T02:00:35 That same person said I should be tossed down a flight of stairs because I am "too nice" 2012-11-20T02:02:03 * Nmlgc thinks about that 2012-11-20T02:02:40 Well, this feels like the role-player's version of the rants I used to write about the fandom. 2012-11-20T02:02:55 Right. 2012-11-20T02:03:54 ... and what this all comes down to is the old distinction of "primary" and "secondary" fans. 2012-11-20T02:04:10 You know Nmlgc, that channel you were in was the OOC channel 2012-11-20T02:04:17 OOC = Out of Character 2012-11-20T02:04:19 Yep. 2012-11-20T02:04:30 But yes 2012-11-20T02:04:31 I agree 2012-11-20T02:07:09 I may be a secondary fan, but I try my hardest to do something in this fandom 2012-11-20T02:08:04 Touhou requires a great deal of knowledge in a lot of areas from its fans, and those who know more often can't accept that those who know less just want to have fun because they're "doing everything wrong" 2012-11-20T02:08:31 That I agree with too 2012-11-20T02:09:39 *** KyoriAsh has quit IRC 2012-11-20T02:10:05 *** KyoriAsh has joined #thcrap 2012-11-20T02:12:12 ... and in the end, Touhou should have never had a Western fandom to begin with. 2012-11-20T02:13:27 Probably not 2012-11-20T02:13:35 It's hard to be a Western fan 2012-11-20T02:13:45 You have to rely on second hand information 2012-11-20T02:13:49 But... 2012-11-20T02:14:42 Stuff for example like Remilia being weak to beans because the characters for her also reading as "blood-sucking oni" could only be understood by people who know the langauge 2012-11-20T02:16:14 Yes, and that's exactly why... ! 2012-11-20T02:17:07 * Nazeo nods 2012-11-20T02:17:57 However, I am very very glad I know about it. No matter how much the fandom frustrates or disappoints me. 2012-11-20T02:18:08 That is more of a me thing though :V 2012-11-20T02:18:11 And you can't force everyone to become a "primary", because for most people, this means that Touhou stops being fun and starts being work 2012-11-20T02:18:17 If not, they'd already be one. 2012-11-20T02:19:39 That's the same reason I'm no longer a brony 2012-11-20T02:19:51 Because I couldn't cope with the amount of information that fandom expects you to absorb 2012-11-20T02:20:06 Oh... 2012-11-20T02:20:27 I see. 2012-11-20T02:20:42 That's very sad Nmlgc... 2012-11-20T02:20:53 Because there, you can't just choose to ignore the stories or characters because well... that's the very essence. 2012-11-20T02:21:06 * Nazeo nods 2012-11-20T02:21:12 There's no game hacking or music CDs you could turn to. 2012-11-20T02:21:42 Oh I see. 2012-11-20T02:21:43 Anyway, you have to leave for work now. :-) 2012-11-20T02:21:51 Heh. So you noticed 2012-11-20T02:22:40 I'll see you later. 2012-11-20T02:23:33 *** Nazeo has quit IRC 2012-11-20T02:31:08 what a thought provoking discussion we have here 2012-11-20T02:33:17 http://edgeofperspective.net/wiki/An_Open_Letter_to_Edge_of_Perspective << That's the rant we were talking about 2012-11-20T02:33:18 <[Bot]MagicStone> Title: An Open Letter to Edge of Perspective - Touhou Edge of Perspective - A Touhou Roleplay (at edgeofperspective.net) 2012-11-20T02:33:37 yes, I saw that 2012-11-20T02:37:43 though I'd comment that even Gensokyo goes through the occasional period of idle chit-chat and down time 2012-11-20T02:39:27 for instance, the manga tend to portray Gensokyo as a whimsical rather than action-filled place 2012-11-20T02:40:05 but despite never setting foot in that community, I'd agree with what he's saying there 2012-11-20T02:58:14 *** Nazeo|Work has joined #thcrap 2012-11-20T03:11:05 *** Nmlgc1 has joined #thcrap 2012-11-20T03:12:13 *** Nmlgc has quit IRC 2012-11-20T03:12:17 Welcome back 2012-11-20T03:33:32 *** Nazeo|Work has quit IRC 2012-11-20T03:34:09 *** Nazeo|Work has joined #thcrap 2012-11-20T03:52:44 *** Myrtle has joined #thcrap 2012-11-20T03:55:07 \o 2012-11-20T03:55:15 Hello! 2012-11-20T03:55:23 hi. 2012-11-20T03:55:56 How 2012-11-20T03:56:01 *How's it going? 2012-11-20T03:56:13 really shitty! 2012-11-20T03:56:34 that means mostly ok in my everyday language 2012-11-20T04:24:03 Ah... 2012-11-20T04:24:09 * Nazeo|Work is busy at work 2012-11-20T04:24:13 :V 2012-11-20T05:47:59 *sigh* 2012-11-20T05:48:21 ? 2012-11-20T05:48:24 What's up? 2012-11-20T05:49:15 If we weren't based in this Touhou Wiki tradition, I probably would have never chosen MediaWiki as our page engine. Because it does a damn terrible job at it. 2012-11-20T05:49:26 What's it doing? 2012-11-20T05:49:40 You would use something like Joomla or something? 2012-11-20T05:50:24 I wouldn't know what to use instead. Especially now that we have this fairly convenient translation interface. 2012-11-20T05:51:04 But it's all so bloated and unperformant that it leaves a bad and shoddy taste. 2012-11-20T05:53:04 I just tested to remove the optional template translation feature. This should just not give a 30% performance gain. 2012-11-20T05:54:37 What else should it do? 2012-11-20T05:55:00 Umm... have less of an impact on performance? 2012-11-20T05:56:18 This should just not give a 30% performance gain. -> Isn't that a good thing? 2012-11-20T05:56:20 Oooooh 2012-11-20T05:56:31 It's using too much resources 2012-11-20T05:56:55 Yes, it does. 2012-11-20T05:59:44 This is your own personal server? 2012-11-20T06:01:03 Yes. And I host a MoinWiki for a different site and it's running like a breeze. 2012-11-20T06:01:10 (on the same server) 2012-11-20T06:01:15 Oh dear... 2012-11-20T06:03:29 * Nazeo|Work isn't sure what to suggest 2012-11-20T06:06:48 *** linkmauve1 has joined #thcrap 2012-11-20T06:17:29 I can already see it coming. This site is going to get overloaded so hard on the Hopeless Masquerade release day... that we'll have to offload the translation pages to touhouwiki.net and merge the progress of both every hour or so. 2012-11-20T06:20:43 * Nazeo|Work points at his site 2012-11-20T06:23:25 Eh. Of course I'm going to mirror the patch data, but it's the wiki itself that's the problem here. 2012-11-20T06:24:29 And I'm kinda unwilling to upgrade my server for a site that runs terrible with no load at all already. 2012-11-20T06:25:04 How much would the upgrade be? 2012-11-20T06:29:46 http://www.hetzner.de/en/ << Pick one. 2012-11-20T06:29:47 <[Bot]MagicStone> Title: Hetzner Online AG (at www.hetzner.de) 2012-11-20T06:30:42 Hmm 2012-11-20T06:30:51 We could split it half and half 2012-11-20T06:31:00 What are you feeling? 2012-11-20T06:31:36 Well, let's first see how all of this will turn out. 2012-11-20T06:31:43 Fair enough 2012-11-20T06:33:22 Have to leave now. \o 2012-11-20T06:34:50 \o 2012-11-20T06:34:53 Bye Nmlgc 2012-11-20T06:35:02 *** Nmlgc1 has quit IRC 2012-11-20T06:56:21 *** Nazeo|Work has quit IRC 2012-11-20T08:07:52 *** Ibaraki_Ibuki has quit IRC 2012-11-20T08:47:12 *** Myrtle has left #thcrap 2012-11-20T10:45:14 *** fsvgm777 has joined #thcrap 2012-11-20T15:20:34 *** Nmlgc has joined #thcrap 2012-11-20T15:37:46 *** Suzuran has joined #thcrap 2012-11-20T17:18:00 Nmlgc: I saw your review about HoaH 101% Run :P 2012-11-20T17:18:28 Ah, that. Except that it is not very much of a review at this point... 2012-11-20T17:19:06 you see, I keep one of the two mirrors alive 2012-11-20T17:19:42 and my server is seeding+tracking the torrent for that album 2012-11-20T17:20:27 *** Nmlgc has quit IRC 2012-11-20T18:29:19 *** Nazeo has joined #thcrap 2012-11-20T18:43:29 *** Nazeo has quit IRC 2012-11-20T18:47:47 *** Nazeo has joined #thcrap 2012-11-20T18:52:00 *** Ibaraki_Ibuki has joined #thcrap 2012-11-20T19:15:23 *** Nazeo has quit IRC 2012-11-20T19:16:10 *** Nazeo has joined #thcrap 2012-11-20T19:28:39 *** Nazeo has quit IRC 2012-11-20T19:29:17 *** Nazeo has joined #thcrap 2012-11-20T20:37:46 *** Nazeo has quit IRC 2012-11-20T20:55:36 *** Sosso has joined #thcrap 2012-11-20T21:09:49 *** Nazeo has joined #thcrap 2012-11-20T21:46:06 *** Nazeo has quit IRC 2012-11-20T22:32:11 *** Sosso has quit IRC 2012-11-20T23:19:37 *** nortti_ has joined #thcrap 2012-11-20T23:24:34 *** linkmauve1 has quit IRC 2012-11-20T23:24:34 *** nortti has quit IRC 2012-11-20T23:29:45 *** Nazeo has joined #thcrap 2012-11-20T23:48:32 *** Suzuran has quit IRC 2012-11-20T23:56:38 *** Nazeo has quit IRC