2012-11-02T00:02:14 * Nmlgc is finally somewhat satisfied with the text effects for the trailer 2012-11-02T00:04:30 Oh, was it a aesthetic thing? 2012-11-02T00:07:59 Sort of. I don't have a lot of "video editing skills", but it should still look decent and high-quality 2012-11-02T00:09:53 https://www.dropbox.com/s/cjvco8zm19z4349/Text%20FX.avi << Wow, Dropbox can stream that? 2012-11-02T00:09:54 <[Bot]MagicStone> Title: Dropbox - Text FX.avi - Simplify your life (at www.dropbox.com) 2012-11-02T00:10:13 Oh wow! 2012-11-02T00:10:16 That looks very good 2012-11-02T00:14:39 brb 2012-11-02T00:24:31 back 2012-11-02T00:27:19 If we went through with *secret*, when would you need the video? 2012-11-02T00:27:36 It would be in like 2 days 2012-11-02T00:27:48 * Nazeo|Work has the cards ready 2012-11-02T00:28:12 If we really need to, push it back one day more 2012-11-02T00:28:29 2 days as in "now + 48 hours"? 2012-11-02T00:29:24 Oh... like... 1 day and + 18 hours (if I did my math correctly ) 2012-11-02T00:30:17 That could get a bit tight, but I try to do my best (yup, no more PC-98 reverse engineering) 2012-11-02T00:33:50 Ah you don't need to push yourself, I can hold back a day so 2+1 = 3 2012-11-02T00:33:59 * Nazeo|Work made an extra day just in case 2012-11-02T00:34:00 :P 2012-11-02T00:46:28 Ah 2012-11-02T00:46:34 I should hurry with the Ru stuff 2012-11-02T00:46:49 Gotta have that Cyrillic thingy 2012-11-02T00:47:16 If you have it done until Stage 4, that's fine already. I refuse to play this game further than Stage 3 anyway, remember :-Ü 2012-11-02T00:47:19 *:-P 2012-11-02T00:47:39 Oh... 2012-11-02T00:47:42 In that case 2012-11-02T00:49:41 Hooray! You got the credits right. 2012-11-02T00:50:13 I did?! 2012-11-02T00:50:18 YES! 2012-11-02T00:50:19 \o/ 2012-11-02T01:06:54 *** Ibaraki_Ibuki has joined #thcrap 2012-11-02T01:08:07 ... instead, you messed up everywhere else. 2012-11-02T01:10:19 Wha-? 2012-11-02T01:10:22 ;_; 2012-11-02T01:13:32 How bad is the damage? 2012-11-02T01:14:08 I had to redo about half of it. You missed out all the ellipses... 2012-11-02T01:15:09 Strange... I copied them 2012-11-02T02:05:06 *** Nazeo|Work has quit IRC 2012-11-02T02:13:55 *** Nazeo has joined #thcrap 2012-11-02T02:15:29 *** Nazeo has quit IRC 2012-11-02T02:16:57 *** Nazeo has joined #thcrap 2012-11-02T02:19:24 OK, I need one more copy-pasta to have a different language for every game 2012-11-02T02:19:33 Will do. 2012-11-02T02:20:10 (because unfortunately I can't show off anything of th06 because I haven't done the beautifying work yet) 2012-11-02T02:20:22 Ah. 2012-11-02T02:20:30 This can be either http://pt.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Perfect_Cherry_Blossom:_Tradu%C3%A7%C3%A3o 2012-11-02T02:20:31 <[Bot]MagicStone> Title: Perfect Cherry Blossom: Tradução - Touhou Wiki (at pt.touhouwiki.net) 2012-11-02T02:20:51 This: http://zh.touhouwiki.net/wiki/%E4%B8%9C%E6%96%B9%E5%9C%B0%E7%81%B5%E6%AE%BF/%E7%BF%BB%E8%AF%91 2012-11-02T02:20:53 <[Bot]MagicStone> Title: 东方地灵殿/翻译 - 东方维基 - 包含关于东方Project之一切的维基大典 (at zh.touhouwiki.net) 2012-11-02T02:20:59 Or this: http://pl.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Subterranean_Animism:_T%C5%82umaczenie 2012-11-02T02:21:00 <[Bot]MagicStone> Title: Subterranean Animism/Tłumaczenie – Touhou Wiki (at pl.touhouwiki.net) 2012-11-02T02:22:01 I will get it done. 2012-11-02T02:22:06 *** Ibaraki_Ibuki has quit IRC 2012-11-02T02:22:53 If you don't have time, one stage is enough. Just roll a die to determine stage and character... just like I do when recording the videos :-) 2012-11-02T02:24:32 Yup yup! 2012-11-02T02:24:51 And I have to go to bed now. \o 2012-11-02T02:24:56 \o 2012-11-02T02:24:59 Sleep well! 2012-11-02T02:25:00 *** Nmlgc has quit IRC 2012-11-02T02:43:37 *** Ibaraki_Ibuki has joined #thcrap 2012-11-02T03:47:13 *** Ibaraki_Ibuki has quit IRC 2012-11-02T04:56:12 *** DeltaSierra4 has joined #thcrap 2012-11-02T05:18:35 *** Ibaraki_Ibuki has joined #thcrap 2012-11-02T08:20:36 *** Ibaraki_Ibuki has quit IRC 2012-11-02T09:19:17 *** DeltaSierra4 has quit IRC 2012-11-02T09:26:30 *** nurupo has quit IRC 2012-11-02T09:27:18 *** nurupo has joined #thcrap 2012-11-02T10:29:12 *** Nazeo has quit IRC 2012-11-02T10:30:57 *** Nmlgc has joined #thcrap 2012-11-02T10:38:26 *** fsvgm777 has joined #thcrap 2012-11-02T10:57:05 *** Nmlgc has quit IRC 2012-11-02T13:51:12 *** Suzuran has joined #thcrap 2012-11-02T16:16:38 http://mm.my-gg.com 2012-11-02T16:16:40 <[Bot]MagicStone> Title: 魔法少女まどか☆マギカ オンライン | 公式サイト (at mm.my-gg.com) 2012-11-02T18:16:32 *** Nazeo has joined #thcrap 2012-11-02T18:16:43 \o everyone 2012-11-02T18:16:56 *** Nazeo is now known as Guest57784 2012-11-02T18:17:02 ... 2012-11-02T18:17:05 *** Guest57784 is now known as Nazeo| 2012-11-02T18:17:10 Well that's a shame 2012-11-02T18:17:30 *** Nazeo| has quit IRC 2012-11-02T18:17:56 *** Nazeo|Work has joined #thcrap 2012-11-02T18:18:36 Suzy, you know http://wikiindex.org/Touhou_Wiki exists, right? 2012-11-02T18:18:37 <[Bot]MagicStone> Title: Touhou Wiki - WikiIndex (at wikiindex.org) 2012-11-02T18:49:13 *** Nazeo|Work has quit IRC 2012-11-02T18:50:23 *** Nazeo|Work has joined #thcrap 2012-11-02T19:47:11 Nazeo|Work: No, what is it? 2012-11-02T19:47:52 Oh 2012-11-02T19:48:09 It's an index of a wiki. It is like a barometer to a wiki's health 2012-11-02T19:48:18 It needs updating again 2012-11-02T19:48:50 I heard you guys are trying to get the word out once again. So that's a start 2012-11-02T19:49:13 At this point I'll settle for just having links go to en.touhouwiki instead of wikia 2012-11-02T19:49:28 Does't everybody ;) 2012-11-02T19:49:51 It helps, but it's pretty much certain that we'll never beat wikia in pagerank because wikia cheats at it. 2012-11-02T19:49:58 ... 2012-11-02T19:49:59 The best we can aim for is second place. 2012-11-02T20:10:47 *** Nazeo|Work has quit IRC 2012-11-02T20:13:10 *** Nazeo has joined #thcrap 2012-11-02T21:09:54 *** Nazeo has quit IRC 2012-11-02T21:55:15 *** Suzuran has quit IRC 2012-11-02T22:17:35 *** Nmlgc has joined #thcrap 2012-11-02T23:53:33 *** fsvgm777 has quit IRC