2012-10-01T00:10:02 \o 2012-10-01T00:10:14 *** Nmlgc has quit IRC 2012-10-01T00:10:38 *** Nazeo has joined #thcrap 2012-10-01T00:11:01 *** Nazeo| has quit IRC 2012-10-01T00:19:37 *** Ibaraki_Ibuki has joined #thcrap 2012-10-01T00:33:13 *** NightLunya has joined #thcrap 2012-10-01T00:34:43 Hello 2012-10-01T00:35:15 Hi all 2012-10-01T00:35:19 \o 2012-10-01T00:35:22 Hello~ 2012-10-01T00:35:53 rounds, brb 2012-10-01T00:39:31 *** Nazeo is now known as Nazeo|Work 2012-10-01T00:39:33 Back 2012-10-01T00:40:00 welcome back to hell 2012-10-01T00:40:02 XD 2012-10-01T00:40:06 DX 2012-10-01T00:40:12 :O 2012-10-01T00:40:14 O: 2012-10-01T00:40:56 I need someone to make videos 2012-10-01T00:41:02 On Sony Vegas or something like that 2012-10-01T00:41:04 @learn Nazeo|Work as round as a square 2012-10-01T00:41:04 <[Bot]MagicStone> DeltaSierra4_: The operation succeeded. 2012-10-01T00:41:04 ><" 2012-10-01T00:41:15 ohdear Nazeo you're going on so many rounds that you look like a square 2012-10-01T00:41:29 lol I dunno what I just said. That was more random than necessary. 2012-10-01T00:41:58 so Lunya, what other cosplays do you have? 2012-10-01T00:42:00 other than Flan chan? 2012-10-01T00:42:08 ? 2012-10-01T00:42:29 Delta: Only Flan-sama 2012-10-01T00:42:39 でもおれの妹、うるさすぎるな。 2012-10-01T00:42:57 think about expanding on more 2hus :3 2012-10-01T00:43:48 ナゼオのなきゃ、退屈だな。。。 2012-10-01T00:44:37 so Nazeo's the only person at work :[ no wonder he can't make others do the rounds for him XD 2012-10-01T00:44:44 Lol 2012-10-01T00:44:47 It's fine 2012-10-01T00:45:16 * NightLunya is still looking for old flat screens and laptop 2012-10-01T00:45:25 --" 2012-10-01T00:46:36 Nazeo: No it's not fine 2012-10-01T00:46:45 because when you're not around this channel's dead 2012-10-01T00:46:46 XD 2012-10-01T00:47:10 ??? 2012-10-01T00:47:20 I do not think that is true 2012-10-01T00:47:21 :V 2012-10-01T00:48:00 お前のコスプレーもきれいだぜ。ナゼオもおれも 2012-10-01T00:48:04 ack 2012-10-01T00:48:06 screwed up 2012-10-01T00:48:21 * DeltaSierra4_ teaching my roommate some Japanese 2012-10-01T00:48:21 * NightLunya dies 2012-10-01T00:48:32 Next year I'll start japanese lessons 2012-10-01T00:48:38 * DeltaSierra4_ good thing he likes watching anime in Japanese rather than with subtitles or with dubs 2012-10-01T00:48:52 lol 2hu hiragana book 2012-10-01T00:49:06 use some kind of 2hu vocab to make a hiragana book 2012-10-01T00:49:28 ^^ 2012-10-01T00:49:36 . 2012-10-01T00:49:40 Oh 2012-10-01T00:49:43 U mean like... 2012-10-01T00:49:55 あ is for あき、い is for いばらき、う is for うらめしやー、え is for えいりん、 2012-10-01T00:50:09 http://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/User:Nazeo/Touhou_Dictionary 2012-10-01T00:50:11 :V 2012-10-01T00:50:12 <[Bot]MagicStone> Title: User:Nazeo/Touhou Dictionary - Touhou Wiki - Characters, games, locations, and more (at en.touhouwiki.net) 2012-10-01T00:50:18 お is for おのづか こまち 2012-10-01T00:50:35 all the way down to... わ and を 2012-10-01T00:51:14 わ is for わたつき, を is for ZUN 2012-10-01T00:51:52 and then use grammar 2012-10-01T00:52:13 but Gensokyo grammar which means no standard grammar, just girlspeak and occasional Marisa-style manspeak 2012-10-01T00:52:22 ぜ is for manspeak 2012-10-01T00:52:41 for instance, では、帰るぜ。 2012-10-01T00:52:50 (which was translated as "Then I'm going back, ze" 2012-10-01T00:52:57 lol at the "ze" at the end) 2012-10-01T00:57:29 Ze 2012-10-01T00:57:37 Has no meaning 2012-10-01T00:58:05 Naz, how good are you at speaking german? 2012-10-01T00:58:24 *German 2012-10-01T00:58:43 * Nazeo|Work laughs 2012-10-01T00:58:46 (don't forget the capitalisation, because "german" is an irc handle, and "German" is the language) 2012-10-01T00:59:16 wait, u're telling me u can't speak it at all? 2012-10-01T00:59:21 I don't speak German lol 2012-10-01T00:59:23 As seen on http://thpatch.net/wiki/User_talk:Nazeonot very well 2012-10-01T00:59:24 XD 2012-10-01T00:59:27 ... 2012-10-01T00:59:33 http://thpatch.net/wiki/User_talk:Nazeo 2012-10-01T00:59:34 <[Bot]MagicStone> Title: User talk:Nazeo - Touhou Patch Central (at thpatch.net) 2012-10-01T00:59:53 oh no no it's because I've seen u speak german before is all lol 2012-10-01T00:59:58 ... 2012-10-01T00:59:59 No 2012-10-01T01:00:04 lol 2012-10-01T01:00:04 Lunya: but u can speak French, which I haven't learned yet 2012-10-01T01:00:08 That was not me 2012-10-01T01:00:11 I speak spanish 2012-10-01T01:00:20 lol u wrote "ohai" 2012-10-01T01:00:42 That was Nmlgc, I think 2012-10-01T01:01:43 rounds again 2012-10-01T01:01:44 * DeltaSierra4_ enjoys how my school website posted a picture to represent the presidential debates... and Obama looks shiny and all but Romney looks extra aged and depressed(?) 2012-10-01T01:02:02 way to go... planting biases X) 2012-10-01T01:03:41 Delta: it's my mother tongue xD 2012-10-01T01:04:09 And I'm aware there's at least 7 different European languages that are used on this channel 2012-10-01T01:04:44 English is enough to understand together xD 2012-10-01T01:05:02 but more different languages would mean more availability of the patch in various countries 2012-10-01T01:05:20 just have the game patched in non-English languages of Spanish, French, and German 2012-10-01T01:05:30 Anyway Koreans translation are really fast Oo 2012-10-01T01:05:41 that's already like over one third of the globe I think 2012-10-01T01:05:52 My french staff is at school now so it's not going really fast 2012-10-01T01:05:55 include Chinese and you've pretty much conquered the world 2012-10-01T01:06:03 ^^' 2012-10-01T01:06:16 well we can test out the Korean translation speed once TH14 comes out 2012-10-01T01:06:32 and when it does... you'll see it done get pretty soon 2012-10-01T01:06:39 I will estimate the translation speed for french... 2012-10-01T01:06:47 not necessarily within a week (which was the fastest record, not the average) 2012-10-01T01:06:55 Add english translation time + 4 months 2012-10-01T01:07:03 for french 2012-10-01T01:07:11 Chinese translators are the fastest btw 2012-10-01T01:07:22 yeah but chinese are... 2012-10-01T01:07:26 I mean... 2012-10-01T01:07:42 There is normal lvl (spanish, french, german, ...) 2012-10-01T01:07:52 And there is asian lvl lol 2012-10-01T01:07:57 Asian lvl = overrated 2012-10-01T01:08:03 xD 2012-10-01T01:08:06 or the Japanese lol (Because there's no need to translate the game unless we include the Gensokyo vernacular which is clearly not a language of this world) 2012-10-01T01:08:15 What we do in 1 year, asian will do in 1 week xd 2012-10-01T01:08:25 I blame them tigermoms 2012-10-01T01:08:30 they whipped the translators too hard 2012-10-01T01:09:57 Back 2012-10-01T01:10:17 penis 2012-10-01T01:10:26 POOTIS 2012-10-01T01:10:49 lol I expected Nazeo to rage at that again 2012-10-01T01:11:12 and don't worry I'm not the type who would spam the channel with NSFW pictures 2012-10-01T01:11:43 나제오 2012-10-01T01:11:45 lol 2012-10-01T01:11:57 and there's this maid game I've played yesterday with my roommate. 2012-10-01T01:12:02 I wonder if any of you have tried it yet 2012-10-01T01:12:14 the name was... erm... *something something* Cuore 2012-10-01T01:12:27 I've to look up the *something something*... I don't remember 2012-10-01T01:14:54 lol 2012-10-01T01:15:02 Custom Maid 3D *PAN* 2012-10-01T01:15:18 * NightLunya just exploded 2012-10-01T01:16:03 Delta? 2012-10-01T01:16:31 DeltaSierra4_ ? 2012-10-01T01:17:41 . . . 2012-10-01T01:19:23 * NightLunya wants to jump from a cliff 2012-10-01T01:21:45 He would have if his boss was not looking over his shoulder -.- 2012-10-01T01:22:33 ? 2012-10-01T01:22:42 [18:10] lol I expected Nazeo to rage at that again 2012-10-01T01:22:44 -.- 2012-10-01T01:22:50 uh oh 2012-10-01T01:22:52 sorry dude 2012-10-01T01:22:55 and 2012-10-01T01:22:56 penis 2012-10-01T01:22:57 XD 2012-10-01T01:23:13 Lunya, what's wrong? 2012-10-01T01:23:27 we didn't play Custom Maid 3D 2012-10-01T01:23:33 my roommate abhors that game so much 2012-10-01T01:24:01 ... 2012-10-01T01:24:04 we played some kind of card game... decent maid arts like those seen on DeviantART 2012-10-01T01:24:31 lol if Nazeo played CM3D at his work he would get fired so let's not tempt him :3 2012-10-01T01:25:18 ... 2012-10-01T01:25:26 I can not afford to get fired 2012-10-01T01:25:39 right, I understand that. 2012-10-01T01:25:46 I've to work on two or more jobs myself 2012-10-01T01:26:16 ... 2012-10-01T01:26:28 * DeltaSierra4_ feels college life pain 2012-10-01T01:26:32 * DeltaSierra4_ same to Nazeo 2012-10-01T01:26:46 hard earned money goes to phone bills gas bills and food stuff 2012-10-01T01:26:51 Note to self; if someone wants to give you a hug, let them, otherwise they will be upset with you. 2012-10-01T01:26:52 what do u have left = nothing 2012-10-01T01:26:52 ;_; 2012-10-01T01:27:16 Note to self; if someone wants to give you a hug, let them, and then drop them into a pit of lava 2012-10-01T01:27:19 >w< 2012-10-01T01:28:00 hmm... as I expected 2012-10-01T01:28:10 ? 2012-10-01T01:28:17 the 1-4-7 is gonna come true I guess 2012-10-01T01:28:41 1 Touhou game with 1LC, 4 Touhou cosplays, and 7 Touhou figures 2012-10-01T01:29:01 courtesy of JY 2012-10-01T01:29:12 and speaking of which, turns out JY is a cosplay nazi 2012-10-01T01:29:42 he just doesn't like crossplays -_- 2012-10-01T01:30:47 * DeltaSierra4_ munching on a huge huge bag full of fries 2012-10-01T01:30:52 guilty pleasure ;__; 2012-10-01T01:30:56 college life ;__; 2012-10-01T01:30:59 and it's all good ;__; 2012-10-01T01:31:57 Right... 2012-10-01T01:32:03 rounds again :V 2012-10-01T01:37:21 DeltaSierra? 2012-10-01T01:38:50 hm? 2012-10-01T01:39:00 Nazeo: you'll tell to Nmlgc that the french preview patchs are working great 2012-10-01T01:39:47 Will do. 2012-10-01T01:39:51 Delta: as your country is at top of technology... (what just I said is just piece of shit), don't you or knowledges have flatscreens and old laptops to give, that they don't use anymore? 2012-10-01T01:40:46 Lunya: First, thanks for the compliment but our country is not exactly at the top of technology. Then, what type of flatscreens are we talking about here? 2012-10-01T01:41:18 any kind, for computer especially 2012-10-01T01:41:37 but any kind of flatscreen s) 2012-10-01T01:41:39 x)* 2012-10-01T01:43:20 wish I had the money to buy one ;__; 2012-10-01T01:43:36 everyone around me has smartphones except me 2012-10-01T01:43:44 I'm the only one in my crew who doesn't have a smartphone 2012-10-01T01:43:48 but u kno what, I'm fine with that 2012-10-01T01:45:08 oh boy... here we go again 2012-10-01T01:45:18 the center core of all my guilty pleasures 2012-10-01T01:45:29 * DeltaSierra4_ takes out... THE HUGE F**KIN BURGER OUT OF MY BAG OF FRIES 2012-10-01T01:45:53 *talks to my stomach* Hang in there, you'll get used to the pain 2012-10-01T01:45:56 xD 2012-10-01T01:46:09 lol 2012-10-01T01:46:11 BURGAAHHHH... OM NOM NOM NOM 2012-10-01T01:46:26 *ZBAF* 2012-10-01T01:48:54 and who still thinks that the name "Hamburger" means "a burger in a ham"? 2012-10-01T01:49:10 because I think I would disagree with that XD 2012-10-01T01:49:15 ... 2012-10-01T01:49:28 What about a "ham in a burger"? 2012-10-01T01:49:33 oops I meant "a burger with ham in" 2012-10-01T01:49:34 xD 2012-10-01T01:49:34 srry 2012-10-01T01:49:45 Roflmao 2012-10-01T01:49:49 You killed me x) 2012-10-01T01:50:06 because Hamburger is simply a name given to this style of food from Hamburg 2012-10-01T01:50:15 so yeah holla at everyone who's from Hamburg 2012-10-01T01:50:20 I can haz cheezburgah? 2012-10-01T01:51:18 I am Ham 2012-10-01T01:51:20 :/ 2012-10-01T01:51:27 Delta: I was just asking you because I'm looking at for my booth for future japan conv 2012-10-01T01:51:44 my village is called "Ham-sur-heure" 2012-10-01T01:51:47 xD 2012-10-01T01:52:45 Hmm 2012-10-01T01:52:52 New Ham sure 2012-10-01T01:52:54 Win 2012-10-01T01:53:04 lol 2012-10-01T01:53:06 * Nazeo|Work has referenced New Hampsgire 2012-10-01T01:53:15 *Hampshire 2012-10-01T01:54:30 WC time o/ 2012-10-01T01:58:58 back 2012-10-01T01:59:27 I'm bored 2012-10-01T02:03:06 Lieutenant DeltaSierra4 recommends you to play Worms Armageddon 2012-10-01T02:03:50 I don't have this game 2012-10-01T02:27:08 *** NightLunya has quit IRC 2012-10-01T02:55:44 *** Ibaraki_Ibuki has quit IRC 2012-10-01T03:02:00 *** Nazeo|Work has quit IRC 2012-10-01T03:46:03 *** Nazeo has joined #thcrap 2012-10-01T03:46:16 \o 2012-10-01T03:47:50 *** Ibaraki_Ibuki has joined #thcrap 2012-10-01T05:42:56 *** DeltaSierra4 has joined #thcrap 2012-10-01T05:43:13 back from smoke break 2012-10-01T05:43:47 :( 2012-10-01T05:44:35 speaking of smoking 2012-10-01T05:44:44 u can't carry tobacco products on board planes right? 2012-10-01T05:45:46 I don't think so 2012-10-01T05:45:55 hmm actually I took a look and it says it's OK 2012-10-01T05:46:06 well then I guess that old guy was having problems with something else 2012-10-01T05:46:17 last time I saw some guy in trouble with airport security 2012-10-01T05:46:24 they were fussing around with some sausages and tobacco 2012-10-01T05:46:32 I guess it was the sausages that were the problem then 2012-10-01T05:47:14 Hmm 2012-10-01T05:47:16 Odd 2012-10-01T05:48:34 Ah finally 2012-10-01T05:48:40 I got the name of that maid game I was talking about 2012-10-01T05:48:42 it's Tanto Cuore 2012-10-01T05:48:48 I have no idea what it means but it's a card game 2012-10-01T05:48:59 (no Nazeo it is not your favorite game Custom Maid 3D) 2012-10-01T05:49:06 ? 2012-10-01T05:49:10 Eh? 2012-10-01T05:49:25 So my idea was that at Acen I could invite you and ibaraki over to my room 2012-10-01T05:49:29 and we could play Tanto Cuore 2012-10-01T05:49:37 Lol 2012-10-01T05:50:36 ugh damn it... soda + tobacco tastes like sand 2012-10-01T05:50:47 or Soda after tobacco, to be precise 2012-10-01T05:51:21 Yuck 2012-10-01T05:51:50 DeltaSierra4: you eat tobacco? 2012-10-01T05:51:59 no no, thru smoking 2012-10-01T05:53:12 hmm it seems like this game is not well known 2012-10-01T06:13:20 * DeltaSierra4 sharing his room with a house centipede and is not pleased 2012-10-01T06:13:43 yea it is a beneficial insect but I do not want it in my room :( 2012-10-01T06:14:06 lol 2012-10-01T06:15:12 I just dislike most bugs 2012-10-01T06:15:29 Aw, why? 2012-10-01T06:15:34 Wriggle is kind to u~ 2012-10-01T06:15:47 well, my earliest experiences with bugs were not really good ones 2012-10-01T06:15:53 like, getting bitten by a cockroach 2012-10-01T06:16:01 then being bitten by mosquitos 2012-10-01T06:16:11 and finding like a bunch of maggots in my food at one point 2012-10-01T06:16:16 yeah 2012-10-01T06:16:17 I hate bugs 2012-10-01T06:16:20 so kill all of them 2012-10-01T06:16:34 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scutigera_coleoptrata is beneficial too 2012-10-01T06:16:35 <[Bot]MagicStone> Title: Scutigera coleoptrata - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (at en.wikipedia.org) 2012-10-01T06:16:45 (with the exceptions of the following: butterflies, spiders, ladybugs, and dragonflies because they're cute) 2012-10-01T06:16:46 but it too scary >_< 2012-10-01T06:16:51 UGH 2012-10-01T06:16:53 FUCKING A 2012-10-01T06:16:54 *it's 2012-10-01T06:16:55 I HATE THAT THING 2012-10-01T06:17:02 SHIT IT'S MOVING 2012-10-01T06:17:13 The creature was staying still for like the past 15 minutes 2012-10-01T06:17:18 and now it's advancing towards my bed 2012-10-01T06:17:37 I kno it could do me a favor and feed on all them damned mosquitos 2012-10-01T06:17:47 but I WILL NOT ACCEPT IT if it goes in my bed 2012-10-01T06:17:50 lol 2012-10-01T06:17:58 Just wants to snuggle with ya 2012-10-01T06:17:58 crap, where's the pesticide when you need it 2012-10-01T06:18:00 i'm glad i have no bug in house. at least i haven't seen one for a very-very long time) 2012-10-01T06:18:17 My freshman year dorm was better than this :( 2012-10-01T06:18:29 well back then I had this girl scream in her room just because she saw two ants 2012-10-01T06:18:35 yeah I hate ants 2012-10-01T06:18:40 lol 2012-10-01T06:18:44 but not as much as I hate that stupid house centipede 2012-10-01T06:18:49 ants are cute :3 2012-10-01T06:18:55 but they feed on our food 2012-10-01T06:19:05 I'm the selfish guy who doesn't want to share food with ants 2012-10-01T06:19:18 grr and to crown it all 2012-10-01T06:19:20 Lol 2012-10-01T06:19:27 that vile creature is lodged on the corner of the room 2012-10-01T06:19:29 so it's hard to kill it 2012-10-01T06:19:36 unless I decide to burn it 2012-10-01T06:19:43 I still have my lighter 2012-10-01T06:19:51 are you going to smash a juice out of it?) 2012-10-01T06:19:53 Have you ever tried burning an insect? 2012-10-01T06:19:58 well here's the thing 2012-10-01T06:20:11 the last time I sqaushed one of these to death 2012-10-01T06:20:16 they didn't have much of juice in them 2012-10-01T06:20:27 but it apparently dried up the next morning 2012-10-01T06:20:33 and I had a hard time getting it off the floor 2012-10-01T06:20:39 oh, you don't want the juice, you want inhale it 2012-10-01T06:20:46 wut 2012-10-01T06:20:49 then burn it with fire!) 2012-10-01T06:20:50 I didn't get that 2012-10-01T06:21:06 that lighter part of yours 2012-10-01T06:21:08 but anyway this thing is now right above my bed 2012-10-01T06:21:15 and it's moving again 2012-10-01T06:21:16 ... 2012-10-01T06:21:16 *** albel727 has quit IRC 2012-10-01T06:21:21 FUCK IT'S GETTING CLOSER TO MY COSPLAY STUFF 2012-10-01T06:21:26 THAT'S IT, IF YOU GET ANY CLOSER 2012-10-01T06:21:31 I'M GONNA KILL THE FUCK OUT OF YOU 2012-10-01T06:22:03 near my food = take it in a plastic bag and free it outside 2012-10-01T06:22:13 near my bed = sqaush it to death 2012-10-01T06:22:23 near my figures & convention planning stuff = BURN IT ALIVE 2012-10-01T06:22:34 HOLY SHIT IT'S ON THE CEILING 2012-10-01T06:22:38 o 2012-10-01T06:22:53 I've never seen them fall off but here's the catch: I have a ceiling fan on 2012-10-01T06:23:05 unless there's some kind of upward current of air I'm safe 2012-10-01T06:23:17 how is that? 2012-10-01T06:23:47 well since it's right above my cosplay stuff 2012-10-01T06:23:53 and if air blows it off the ceiling... 2012-10-01T06:23:54 if it will fall off, fan won't prevent it from falling) 2012-10-01T06:24:09 no no I'm saying the fan will cause it to fall off 2012-10-01T06:24:29 hmm the thing is advancing closer to the fan 2012-10-01T06:24:38 *** albel727 has joined #thcrap 2012-10-01T06:24:43 oh... just grab it with paper, open door/window and throw it out 2012-10-01T06:24:49 that easy, gosh 2012-10-01T06:24:57 no not that easy 2012-10-01T06:25:00 lol) 2012-10-01T06:25:04 I use the paper cup method 2012-10-01T06:25:07 almost that easy x) 2012-10-01T06:25:12 because I use paper then it always falls off 2012-10-01T06:25:36 are u aware that you're dealing with something that moves faster than a frikin cockroach when it's unsettled? 2012-10-01T06:25:57 and besides I don't have anything to stand on so that I can reach the ceiling 2012-10-01T06:26:00 or you can start screaming and have a night in your neighborhood's place 2012-10-01T06:26:16 I don't scream, but I do cuss and bang a lot 2012-10-01T06:26:33 Right now I'm just waiting so that it gets closer to me 2012-10-01T06:26:46 hope not too close 2012-10-01T06:26:57 if it does then it's a close quarter combat 2012-10-01T06:27:17 so speaking of bugs 2012-10-01T06:27:22 have you ever been bitten by a cockroach 2012-10-01T06:27:29 Uh no 2012-10-01T06:27:33 or gotten into some high fever after being bitten by mosquitoes 2012-10-01T06:27:35 Sounds unpleasent 2012-10-01T06:27:42 because if you haven't then u probably don't know the pain of it as well 2012-10-01T06:27:52 nope, I only was beaten by a bee 2012-10-01T06:28:02 There are the German cockroaches that leave a simple itch comparable to the mosquitoes 2012-10-01T06:28:11 then there are the Big ones... 2012-10-01T06:28:19 after a day of hot temperature and sleeping i went to normal =P 2012-10-01T06:28:21 those are the vile ones 2012-10-01T06:28:29 or how about a wasp 2012-10-01T06:28:34 because I've been stung like twice already 2012-10-01T06:28:37 and the pain... was not good 2012-10-01T06:28:52 yeah 99% of the time my experience with insects always end in pain 2012-10-01T06:28:53 i wonder where you live 2012-10-01T06:29:06 well all these happened in Korea 2012-10-01T06:29:11 and the wasps in U.S. 2012-10-01T06:29:15 souns like place where wrigglу would livw 2012-10-01T06:29:21 *wriggle 2012-10-01T06:29:23 *live 2012-10-01T06:29:30 *a place 2012-10-01T06:29:31 >_< 2012-10-01T06:29:41 Well now it's right above the ceiling fan so I can't get it 2012-10-01T06:29:49 but good thing it's not falling off as well 2012-10-01T06:29:55 (or maybe that's a bad thing) 2012-10-01T06:30:02 (since my ceiling is too damn high to reach up to) 2012-10-01T06:30:29 hmm and this insect is pretty stupid too 2012-10-01T06:30:41 it basically started off from the window 2012-10-01T06:30:51 and then makes a weird 270 degree turn around my ceiling 2012-10-01T06:30:53 just get a watar spray, turn of the fan and waterspray it, if your ceiling allowes you to water it 2012-10-01T06:31:12 at worst you will get a little shower, lol 2012-10-01T06:31:22 * DeltaSierra4 gets a gas burner instead 2012-10-01T06:31:31 woo 2012-10-01T06:31:38 I've burnt insects before... well that didn't smell good at all 2012-10-01T06:31:40 if your ceiling allows that, then go ahead 2012-10-01T06:31:44 it did smell like... burning corpse 2012-10-01T06:32:40 well now things seem to be close to an end - the thing is moving towards my bookcase 2012-10-01T06:32:45 maybe I can reach it there 2012-10-01T06:32:54 brb. Bug extermination time 2012-10-01T06:34:21 *water 2012-10-01T06:34:46 *allows 2012-10-01T06:36:41 shots fire 2012-10-01T06:36:43 shots fired 2012-10-01T06:36:44 shots fired 2012-10-01T06:36:46 suspect down 2012-10-01T06:36:56 requesting cleanup support immediately 2012-10-01T06:37:02 *sirens wail and fade away* 2012-10-01T06:37:55 i assume the chibi human won against the thing? 2012-10-01T06:38:22 whoruquoting.jpg 2012-10-01T06:38:33 no one Oo 2012-10-01T06:38:59 OK, just as usual, burning the vile thing to death 2012-10-01T06:39:00 it's still alive 2012-10-01T06:39:31 apparently cardboard wasn't good enough to squash it to death 2012-10-01T06:40:12 oh and in my definition the house centipede would still be a pest 2012-10-01T06:40:21 because it feeds on another beneficial insect and that's not good 2012-10-01T06:40:26 at least is not the moment when you hit the bug and hundreds of its childs comes out) 2012-10-01T06:40:49 other beneficial insects being... spiders and dragonfly larvae 2012-10-01T06:40:59 * nurupo slowpoke 2012-10-01T06:41:32 now that just sounds like the Pregnant from Dead Space series 2012-10-01T06:41:47 you kill the bitch and the thing spawns gazillion small creatures that suck blood out of Issac 2012-10-01T06:41:53 did the bug scream? Oo 2012-10-01T06:41:55 oh, okay 2012-10-01T06:42:10 welp the gunshot was too loud that I couldn't hear it 2012-10-01T06:42:23 well it did tell me to go fuck myself before I set it on fire 2012-10-01T06:42:53 * DeltaSierra4 throws the burnt corpse away 2012-10-01T06:42:58 i think it was telling you this all the time by only its look while it was in your room) 2012-10-01T06:43:22 * DeltaSierra4 loads my gun 2012-10-01T06:43:37 anyway, good dreams to you after that experience~ 2012-10-01T06:43:38 )) 2012-10-01T06:43:40 well what other motherfucker wants to mess with me (stares at the spider in my room) 2012-10-01T06:43:50 oh wait, that spider is not real lol 2012-10-01T06:44:29 and yet my fake spider scares the shit out of everyone else 2012-10-01T06:44:29 you already hallucinating? 2012-10-01T06:44:31 no 2012-10-01T06:44:38 hell why should I be hallucinating 2012-10-01T06:44:45 that bug's smell probably got into your mind 2012-10-01T06:44:50 and made you crazy 2012-10-01T06:44:51 it's just a fake spider model I made 2012-10-01T06:44:57 what the fuck 2012-10-01T06:44:58 now you are dangerous D: 2012-10-01T06:45:01 I don't deserve no shit like that 2012-10-01T06:45:30 ) 2012-10-01T06:45:50 seems like fake spiders don't work on bugs 2012-10-01T06:46:14 it did keep that bug at bay for 15 minutes, the longest I've ever seen with these creatures 2012-10-01T06:46:18 only on humans) 2012-10-01T06:46:34 I'm guessing it's because these things feed on spiders 2012-10-01T06:46:44 are you sure it just wasn't napping after a long-long run?) 2012-10-01T06:46:50 *wasn't just 2012-10-01T06:46:53 it does that every time 2012-10-01T06:47:35 then you need more spiders 2012-10-01T06:47:38 grr dealing with these things just set me off everytime 2012-10-01T06:47:41 spiders are fine 2012-10-01T06:47:51 Spiders... 2012-10-01T06:47:54 spiders everywhere, even in the toilet 2012-10-01T06:47:55 I am not found of them 2012-10-01T06:47:57 fake ones 2012-10-01T06:48:02 and it takes like fucking half an hour to settle down 2012-10-01T06:48:06 to keep bugs out 2012-10-01T06:49:33 hmm I still dunno why I'm OK with spiders when I'm not with centipedes 2012-10-01T06:49:44 "Once upon a time Wriggle meet the Spider-Man..." 2012-10-01T06:50:11 Moekou told me it's probably because I keep reinforcing the idea that all bugs that look like that huge cockroach that bit me are as lethal 2012-10-01T06:50:14 * nurupo assumes spiderman kills bugs 2012-10-01T06:51:12 btw, can't you make your house more bugsproof? 2012-10-01T06:51:22 already did, and this is the first time 2012-10-01T06:51:26 like putting a net on a window 2012-10-01T06:51:32 I DID 2012-10-01T06:51:32 or something 2012-10-01T06:51:39 My windows are shut 2012-10-01T06:51:43 no holes 2012-10-01T06:51:46 no holes anywhere 2012-10-01T06:51:56 or I'm assuming it sneaked in through my roommate's door 2012-10-01T06:52:03 there's a door between my room and his room 2012-10-01T06:52:10 and he usually keeps his window open 2012-10-01T06:52:15 and there might be a hole there 2012-10-01T06:53:04 agh fuck I get bitten by all of these insects. 2012-10-01T06:53:10 even by a house centipede at one point 2012-10-01T06:53:24 they should seek someone else they like 2012-10-01T06:53:33 (like Nazeo) 2012-10-01T06:53:37 you probably have some kind of pleasing body smell, i guess 2012-10-01T06:53:42 * DeltaSierra4 pours spiders into Nazeo's room 2012-10-01T06:54:12 so taking showers everyday doesn't seem to work hmm 2012-10-01T06:54:12 for the bugs, obviously 2012-10-01T06:54:30 or you just so (un) lucky) 2012-10-01T06:54:42 or is it true that it's a myth that washing frequently won't get bugs off 2012-10-01T06:55:02 lol 2012-10-01T06:55:10 it depends in what you are washing in 2012-10-01T06:55:10 Spiders... 2012-10-01T06:55:14 In my room 2012-10-01T06:55:19 The poor spiders 2012-10-01T06:55:39 if you are waching in pesticides, that might help x) 2012-10-01T06:55:52 fuck no 2012-10-01T06:55:57 I don't want arsenic over my body 2012-10-01T06:56:20 I guess I'm just unlucky then 2012-10-01T06:56:36 and thank fucking christ that I didn't get bitten this year - my sister took all the blows 2012-10-01T06:56:46 probably even cursed D: 2012-10-01T06:56:56 by some bugs' god 2012-10-01T06:57:03 wriggle, maybe? 2012-10-01T06:57:17 (and I remember how she had the ursa major on her back, courtesy of houes mosquitoes) 2012-10-01T06:57:50 fuck this shit I'll have a word with Hina tomorrow 2012-10-01T06:58:08 get this goddamn fucking curse off of me and I'll be on my road (not after paying her some form of... tribute) 2012-10-01T06:58:15 fuck 2012-10-01T06:58:21 * DeltaSierra4 shuts down the blinders 2012-10-01T06:58:35 lol 2012-10-01T07:00:06 yeah and fuck tomorrow because it's a Monday 2012-10-01T07:00:12 start of another goddamn week 2012-10-01T07:00:32 Yup 2012-10-01T07:00:34 and let's just trudge through it somehow (because we all do in the end) and wait for the next weekends to come 2012-10-01T07:00:52 cheers at that September's already over 2012-10-01T07:01:08 whoa 2012-10-01T07:01:18 you want to get old and die so fast? 2012-10-01T07:01:20 oh and now it just turned October here 2012-10-01T07:01:31 sure why the fuck not 2012-10-01T07:01:39 =\ 2012-10-01T07:01:50 we all have to die and death ain't some shit to be scared of 2012-10-01T07:01:58 :( 2012-10-01T07:02:01 Easy man 2012-10-01T07:02:05 getting old isn't something to be scared of either 2012-10-01T07:02:10 why not? because the bugs will get you 2012-10-01T07:02:10 because it's gonna happen to everyone 2012-10-01T07:02:22 * DeltaSierra4 does not get that again 2012-10-01T07:02:26 u know what w/e 2012-10-01T07:02:32 cropse 2012-10-01T07:02:34 bugs 2012-10-01T07:02:35 I'm not in a clear state of mind to think of anything tonight 2012-10-01T07:02:38 still don't get? 2012-10-01T07:02:46 fuck this drama and everything, I'm just gonna take some sleep 2012-10-01T07:02:48 nite all 2012-10-01T07:02:50 *** DeltaSierra4 has quit IRC 2012-10-01T07:02:50 good night. let no bug beat you (or lay eggs inside your ear) in your sleep) 2012-10-01T07:02:56 x) 2012-10-01T07:03:37 Nazeo: sorry, i just was bored 2012-10-01T07:04:02 *** DeltaSierra4_ has left #thcrap 2012-10-01T07:04:33 Ah kay 2012-10-01T07:04:36 >DeltaSierra4 is coming in 2012-10-01T07:04:39 no he is not 2012-10-01T07:04:43 I hate it when he gets like this... 2012-10-01T07:05:02 first time see 2012-10-01T07:05:09 does it happens often? 2012-10-01T07:05:19 It depends 2012-10-01T07:05:53 hm. then i better not to put wood in the fire 2012-10-01T07:06:23 Or the fire in wood 2012-10-01T07:06:24 :V 2012-10-01T07:07:28 fire? yeah, i might overdid it a little 2012-10-01T07:07:37 Ah, ur fine 2012-10-01T07:34:08 *** Ibaraki_Ibuki has quit IRC 2012-10-01T07:34:41 not sure why you pestered him at all. what's wrong with corpses and bugs? :> 2012-10-01T07:35:01 ? 2012-10-01T07:35:07 >nurupo 2012-10-01T07:35:48 albel727: yes? 2012-10-01T07:36:06 is that supposed to be an answer? 2012-10-01T07:36:41 and if yes, then why does it have question mark, and doesn't address my question? 2012-10-01T07:36:47 what made you think that it supposed to be an answer? 2012-10-01T07:37:06 the fact, that I asked a question and pinged you? 2012-10-01T07:37:44 are you sure that you asked me a question and i really answered it by anither question? 2012-10-01T07:37:51 *another 2012-10-01T07:38:31 I'm pretty sure, that I'm asked a question, right. what made you think that I think you answered it by a question? 2012-10-01T07:39:11 (inb4: stupid nuruplo makes another stupid remark, instead of just answering already) 2012-10-01T07:39:16 itn't your first question implies that i answered on your question by the question? 2012-10-01T07:39:30 (see, that's what I meant) 2012-10-01T07:40:00 my question didn't imply that. I was asking whether you did it. 2012-10-01T07:41:06 oh well, I give up on you. rest in peace. 2012-10-01T07:41:33 wait 2012-10-01T07:41:47 I already moved on, sorry. 2012-10-01T07:41:47 :( 2012-10-01T07:42:18 Nazeo: something's wrong? 2012-10-01T07:42:18 i just noticed that before you highlighted me you asked a question Oo 2012-10-01T07:42:26 were you referring to it? 2012-10-01T07:42:28 wow. that was fast. 2012-10-01T07:42:59 I get upset when people quarrel, that's all 2012-10-01T07:43:11 Nazeo: don't worry, it's just our usual friendly bickering. ) 2012-10-01T07:43:20 highlight me first and then ask a question, you dummy~ 2012-10-01T07:44:07 heh, ok, I'll try to keep in mind, that you're not intelligent enough to understand the question redirection. ) 2012-10-01T07:44:27 (inb4: question remains unanswered) 2012-10-01T07:45:20 (inb4: the question still remains unanswered, but now nurupo notices that I'm saying that, and maybe makes an attempt to answer it) 2012-10-01T07:45:20 no. i just not stupid enough no parse log for a question if i didn't notice one right away 2012-10-01T07:45:30 it's just not worth my time 2012-10-01T07:45:54 oh, that 2012-10-01T07:46:21 sorry, i don't know how to answer on your question 2012-10-01T07:46:48 > still pretends, that he's intelligent 2012-10-01T07:47:29 don't have much experience with corpses and bugs to conclude an opinion 2012-10-01T07:50:12 it's not about "concluding an opinion" (that' not how "conclude" is used, btw). it's about explaining the opinion you already have. anyway, this is not touhou-ish enough topic... unless we remember Yoshika. 2012-10-01T07:50:36 here. I made it all non-offtopic. 2012-10-01T07:50:41 * albel727 runs. 2012-10-01T07:50:46 then replace "conclude" with "build" 2012-10-01T07:50:49 * Nazeo looks at current topic 2012-10-01T07:51:10 Em... isn;t anything not related to the Patcher and Justin Bieber off topic? 2012-10-01T07:51:10 no, build is not what you do with opinions either. 2012-10-01T07:51:44 hmm... 2012-10-01T07:52:17 albel727: i can do with my precious opinions whatever i want to, don't tuch them! >__> 2012-10-01T07:52:20 I wonder, how Justin Bieber would translate Yoshika's dialogue, if he used thpatch. 2012-10-01T07:52:23 *touch 2012-10-01T07:52:38 here, now I definiteli made it on-topic. 2012-10-01T07:52:41 *y 2012-10-01T07:52:42 Probably how Sefam would... 2012-10-01T07:52:44 ! 2012-10-01T07:52:46 Perhaps... 2012-10-01T07:52:58 * Nazeo wonders if asking Sefam would be a good idea 2012-10-01T07:54:42 albel727: do you have any other questions that don't touch my opinions? that you want to ask now, till i'm here? 2012-10-01T07:54:55 *, 2012-10-01T07:55:54 is it even possible to ask a question, that won't touch someone's opinion? 2012-10-01T07:56:03 Yes 2012-10-01T07:56:12 albel727: are you asking me? 2012-10-01T07:56:20 * albel727 facepalms. 2012-10-01T07:56:24 What is the answer to 2 + 2 ? 2012-10-01T07:56:38 Nazeo: it depends on what 2 and + means. 2012-10-01T07:56:38 * nurupo stares at albel727 with an angry stare 2012-10-01T07:56:44 ... 2012-10-01T07:56:58 It is a mathematic linear equation 2012-10-01T07:57:09 doesn't narrow it down enough still. 2012-10-01T07:57:46 What other possibilities are there? 2012-10-01T07:58:14 so, since you have no other questions, i'm afk. it's late. 2012-10-01T08:00:29 well, you haven't even defined the numeral system. it could be 3 or 4-based, which would affect the answer. and if you cover that, we still could delve into abstract algebra and require you to define which structure you use. 2012-10-01T08:42:09 *** Nazeo has quit IRC 2012-10-01T10:07:16 *** Guest57312 has quit IRC 2012-10-01T10:56:42 *** fsvgm777 has joined #thcrap 2012-10-01T15:29:20 *** TonyUK has joined #thcrap 2012-10-01T17:06:43 *** NightLunya has joined #thcrap 2012-10-01T17:14:56 http://download.rtl.lu/2012/10/01/8b348ed4ec8694ed337c9707a1a49e19.pdf <- Lol, for free, even though the wedding costs around 250000 €? (document in French) 2012-10-01T17:18:07 lol 2012-10-01T17:19:04 http://5minutes.rtl.lu/fr/actualite/alaune/321295.html <- Not surprised. (in French) 2012-10-01T17:19:05 <[Bot]MagicStone> Title: 5minutes.lu - A la une - Prix du tabac pousse les Franais se ruer sur le G.-D. (at 5minutes.rtl.lu) 2012-10-01T17:20:39 Rofl 2012-10-01T17:22:03 C'est combien un paquet de cigarettes en Belgique? 2012-10-01T17:22:29 Je fume pas =° 2012-10-01T17:22:38 Mais je crois que c'est 4,70 € pour un petit 2012-10-01T17:22:43 Moi non plus. 2012-10-01T17:23:17 meme moins cher 2012-10-01T17:23:29 "L'Etat luxembourgeois profite du tourisme du tabac. Plus de 90% du tabac vendu au Luxembourg est acheté par des non-résidents." <- Il ne faut pas oublier l'alcool. 2012-10-01T17:23:51 Si je prends un Malboro, petit paquet c'est 4 € 2012-10-01T17:23:59 (paquet de 20) 2012-10-01T17:24:30 Au Luxembourg je crois que c'est le meme prix 2012-10-01T17:25:52 http://www.prixcigarettes.com/ 2012-10-01T17:25:53 <[Bot]MagicStone> Title: Le prix des cigarettes (at www.prixcigarettes.com) 2012-10-01T17:26:34 Faudrait plutôt acheter ses cigarettes en Ukraine. 2012-10-01T17:26:56 lol 2012-10-01T17:27:42 Je cherche un monteur vidéo, t'en connais pas par hasard? ><" 2012-10-01T17:28:02 Un qui n'est pas merdique comme Windows Movie Maker? 2012-10-01T17:28:34 Hmm... Sony Vegas (payant) ou Adobe Premiere Pro (payant aussi). 2012-10-01T17:29:04 Ou Avisynth (gratuit)... sauf qu'il faut s'habituer. 2012-10-01T17:29:48 (parce qu'Avisynth n'est pas un monteur comme les autres) 2012-10-01T17:31:03 "AviSynth itself does not provide a graphical user interface (GUI), but instead relies on a script system that allows advanced non-linear editing. While this may at first seem tedious and unintuitive, it is remarkably powerful and is a very good way to manage projects in a precise, consistent, and reproducible manner." 2012-10-01T17:31:04 Nan nan 2012-10-01T17:31:09 Je parle pas d'un logiciel 2012-10-01T17:31:17 (J'ai Sony Vegas et Adobe Premiere Pro) 2012-10-01T17:31:32 Mais de quelqu'un qui sais monter des vidéos 2012-10-01T17:31:55 J'avoue que je suis un peu confus... 2012-10-01T17:33:23 *** Nmlgc has joined #thcrap 2012-10-01T17:33:25 "Monter une video" ne veut pas dire "uploader une vidéo", je suppose. 2012-10-01T17:33:38 *vidéo 2012-10-01T17:36:37 ...Ah, de quelqu'un qui sait monter une vidéo! Du coup... non. 2012-10-01T17:37:01 * fsvgm777 est légèrement fatigué et a un léger mal de tête. 2012-10-01T17:37:27 x) 2012-10-01T17:37:37 Rah zut 2012-10-01T17:38:42 *** Nazeo|College has joined #thcrap 2012-10-01T17:38:45 \o 2012-10-01T17:39:50 Such a strange thing is baffling me on my wiki... when I move something, it does not move -.- 2012-10-01T17:42:18 \o 2012-10-01T17:44:22 Do you happen to have $wgMetaNamespace defined? Try removing that. 2012-10-01T17:44:38 Alright, will do 2012-10-01T17:49:06 That did not work... 2012-10-01T17:53:08 I do not understand why it treats it as a separate namespace... 2012-10-01T17:58:20 http://edgeofperspective.net/w/index.php?title=Beyond_The_Border:Administrators&redirect=no Then edits, it turns back to Beyond The Border... odd 2012-10-01T17:58:21 <[Bot]MagicStone> Title: Touhou Edge of Perspective:Administrators - Touhou Edge of Perspective - A Touhou Roleplay (at edgeofperspective.net) 2012-10-01T17:59:11 I gtg to class \o 2012-10-01T17:59:17 *** Nazeo|College has quit IRC 2012-10-01T17:59:34 x) 2012-10-01T18:05:26 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Nmlgc 2012-10-01T18:07:01 *** Nmlgc changes topic to "Touhou Community Reliant Automatic Patcher || http://thpatch.net || Channel logs and statistics: http://thpatch.net/chat/freenode/ || This is not necessarily a "Touhou general" channel, only if you make it one" 2012-10-01T18:09:51 Mhhh? 2012-10-01T18:10:28 Heh, I'm guilty of rambling over random things. 2012-10-01T18:10:44 x) 2012-10-01T18:11:23 At least mine didn't end up in flamewars. 2012-10-01T18:26:35 Et hop, une personne en plus que je viens d'envoyer chier 2012-10-01T18:26:42 Ca commence a faire un bon paquet 2012-10-01T18:27:18 Haha. 2012-10-01T18:37:10 Tous les mêmes putain 2012-10-01T18:38:52 J'ai l'impression que les francais sont des putains de gros cons et de flemmard et que des que tu demande un truc qui pour eux porte pas grand interet ca te chie dessus 2012-10-01T18:40:19 Et là, du coup, c'est moins drôle... 2012-10-01T18:41:03 C'est pour ca que j'ai jamais quasi jamais fait confiance a personne 2012-10-01T18:41:07 ..et maintenant, je commence à jouer comme une tapette. 2012-10-01T18:42:27 (jouer comme une tapette = jouer hyper-mauvais) 2012-10-01T18:42:46 xD 2012-10-01T18:42:54 J'avais compris xD 2012-10-01T18:45:19 *** TonyUK has quit IRC 2012-10-01T18:45:42 Super, game over au niveau 4. 2012-10-01T18:46:12 (mon pire niveau 4 de l'histoire dans IN) 2012-10-01T18:46:20 lol 2012-10-01T18:46:28 En quel niveau? 2012-10-01T18:46:33 Normal. 2012-10-01T18:47:21 J'échoue toujours au niveau 4 en normal xD 2012-10-01T18:47:42 Avec le Netherworld Team? 2012-10-01T18:47:55 (Ym & Yy) 2012-10-01T18:48:56 Nah, avec tout le monde xD 2012-10-01T18:50:12 Il y a une seule fois dans IN où je suis arrivé au niveau 6A. Game over au tout début du niveau (avant même que Stage 6 ne s'affiche) 2012-10-01T18:52:26 lol 2012-10-01T18:52:40 Je sais faire que 1cc Easy moi lol 2012-10-01T18:53:56 J'ai fait un 1cc de MoF en Normal (avec ReimuB en plus). 2012-10-01T18:54:26 ..et un de LLS en Normal avec MarisaB. 2012-10-01T18:56:06 ..et plusieurs de PoDD en Normal avec Marisa et Mima. 2012-10-01T18:57:29 Ouai mais le PC-98 est plus facile je pense 2012-10-01T18:59:30 http://thpatch.net/wiki/User:Fsvgm777 <- I made my user page because why not. 2012-10-01T18:59:31 <[Bot]MagicStone> Title: User:Fsvgm777 - Touhou Patch Central (at thpatch.net) 2012-10-01T19:02:59 Note to self: Edit page on October 30th, because I'll be 21. 2012-10-01T19:04:57 *** Ibaraki_Ibuki has joined #thcrap 2012-10-01T19:17:29 xD 2012-10-01T19:24:28 Et Lagaf' qui déconne, comme toujours au Juste Prix. 2012-10-01T19:24:32 -, 2012-10-01T19:25:52 *** Nmlgc has quit IRC 2012-10-01T19:34:09 *** Nazeo|College has joined #thcrap 2012-10-01T19:34:35 Hi Night! ^_^ 2012-10-01T19:34:44 This time it is I who greeted u first >:D 2012-10-01T19:37:25 Hmm, how does one "use" the portals? 2012-10-01T19:37:31 Like... talks and what not? 2012-10-01T19:38:26 brb 2012-10-01T19:38:29 *** Nazeo|College has quit IRC 2012-10-01T19:40:00 *** Nazeo|College has joined #thcrap 2012-10-01T19:40:10 Sorry bout that 2012-10-01T19:40:15 *** Ibaraki_Ibuki has quit IRC 2012-10-01T19:43:11 *** TonyUK has joined #thcrap 2012-10-01T19:53:01 . 2012-10-01T19:53:40 . indeed 2012-10-01T19:55:03 . 2012-10-01T19:55:13 Period. 2012-10-01T19:55:18 full stop. 2012-10-01T19:55:25 Point. 2012-10-01T19:55:32 dot. 2012-10-01T19:55:42 Micro-circle. 2012-10-01T19:56:13 pixel. 2012-10-01T19:56:35 Femto-pixel. 2012-10-01T19:56:41 The black hole. 2012-10-01T19:57:01 OK, you win. 2012-10-01T19:57:29 * Nazeo|College facepalms 2012-10-01T19:57:50 ROFL. 2012-10-01T19:58:37 lol 2012-10-01T19:59:10 Hey, at least it's not a flame war. 2012-10-01T19:59:52 lol that's true :) 2012-10-01T20:00:17 http://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/933732touhoufacepalmflandre0.jpg 2012-10-01T20:00:25 Flame wars ARE facepalm-worthy, because they're pointless, in my opinion. 2012-10-01T20:00:25 * Nazeo|College equips Flame Shield 2012-10-01T20:01:06 NightLunya: Old TV in background! 2012-10-01T20:01:13 * fsvgm777 is jealous. 2012-10-01T20:01:19 Does it still work? 2012-10-01T20:01:58 *** Ibaraki_Ibuki has joined #thcrap 2012-10-01T20:04:35 *** NightLunya has quit IRC 2012-10-01T20:05:04 ..welp. 2012-10-01T20:05:16 Guess not... 2012-10-01T20:17:41 *** NightLunya has joined #thcrap 2012-10-01T20:17:49 \o 2012-10-01T20:18:49 NightLunya, does the old TV in the background in your facepalm pic still work? 2012-10-01T20:19:03 fsvgm777: yes, or course! 2012-10-01T20:19:06 Biensur 2012-10-01T20:19:12 * fsvgm777 even more jealous. 2012-10-01T20:19:21 Si ca t'intérese je connais quelqu'un qui revends des vieilles TV ainsi 2012-10-01T20:19:26 Il les répare et il les revends 2012-10-01T20:19:51 On a des vieilles télés, mais elles ne marchent plus. 2012-10-01T20:19:54 Il habite a 2 km de chez moi 2012-10-01T20:20:01 Il ne fait que ca, réparer des TV 2012-10-01T20:20:12 (et il déteste les écrans plats) 2012-10-01T20:20:17 On peut dire que c'est sa passion. 2012-10-01T20:20:34 On peut dire ca 2012-10-01T20:20:50 Normalement c'est chez lui que je vais chercher 5 écrans plats 2012-10-01T20:20:55 Pour mes futurs stands 2012-10-01T20:21:15 Pour le Japan Expo Belgium, par exemple? 2012-10-01T20:21:26 Par exemple, mais je ne fais pas de stand pour la JE Belgium 2012-10-01T20:21:38 Ah. 2012-10-01T20:21:46 Je cherche des gens pour vendre a petit prix/donner des écrans plats et PC portables 2012-10-01T20:21:55 enfin acheter plutot 2012-10-01T20:22:01 Pour mes futurs stands 2012-10-01T20:22:08 Le prochain que je fais sera lors de la Made In Asia 5 2012-10-01T20:22:13 a Bruxelles 2012-10-01T20:23:13 Trop loin~ (enfin, je pourrais prendre l'IC de Luxembourg à Bruxelles, mais ça prend au moins 150 minutes) 2012-10-01T20:23:58 Quand je pense que mon dernier stand c'était l'IC Bruxelles -> Basel (suisse) 2012-10-01T20:24:09 Que j'ai pris de Namur jusqu'a Strasbourg xD 2012-10-01T20:24:18 Pour faire ... a Strasbourg lol 2012-10-01T20:24:29 Et donc t'es passé par Luxembourg-Ville. 2012-10-01T20:24:35 En effet 2012-10-01T20:24:44 (j'ai déjà été plusieurs fois a Luxembourg-Ville) 2012-10-01T20:24:53 et mon premier je l'ai fait a Toulon à la Cote d'Azur x) 2012-10-01T20:26:57 Si tu veux j'ai les photos sur Facebook 2012-10-01T20:27:11 Sauf que je suis pas sur Facebook. 2012-10-01T20:27:42 Enfin... peut-être qu'on se rencontrera. 2012-10-01T20:27:59 (à Luxembourg-Ville) 2012-10-01T20:28:18 (un de ces jours) 2012-10-01T20:28:44 *** Sosso has joined #thcrap 2012-10-01T20:28:52 \o 2012-10-01T20:29:39 hello 2012-10-01T20:36:38 Salut 2012-10-01T20:36:49 fsvgm: mhhh y'a des photos de mon 1er stand sur mon site 2012-10-01T20:40:05 http://www.touhou-online.net/touhou-online-a-la-mangazur-2012 <- Trouvé~ 2012-10-01T20:40:06 <[Bot]MagicStone> Title: Touhou-Online enregistre son premier stand à la Mang'Azur 2012! (at www.touhou-online.net) 2012-10-01T20:40:54 O.O 2012-10-01T20:49:33 ^^" 2012-10-01T20:53:35 https://dl.dropbox.com/u/64600169/ilc.png <- I sure love customising around. 2012-10-01T20:54:03 (yes, this IS how my Steam client looks like) 2012-10-01T20:54:24 Looks awesome! 2012-10-01T20:54:31 DS4 would get a kick out of it 2012-10-01T20:54:54 Well... I still need to fix some minor rendering glitches. 2012-10-01T20:55:14 ..and it's based on a different skin, so no public download. 2012-10-01T20:55:18 XD 2012-10-01T20:55:36 T'en penses quoi fsvgm? 2012-10-01T20:55:38 (du stand) 2012-10-01T20:55:43 Pas mal. 2012-10-01T20:55:50 Merci ^^" 2012-10-01T20:55:54 (J'aime bien ton skin Steam) 2012-10-01T20:56:23 Merci~ 2012-10-01T20:58:47 *** Nazeo|College has quit IRC 2012-10-01T21:00:24 T'en a un de Flandre ou Remilia comme ca? 2012-10-01T21:00:33 Non. 2012-10-01T21:00:40 Désolé. 2012-10-01T21:01:42 (et je n'ai pas vraiment l'intention de redémarrer Steam 50 fois pour avoir la bonne couleur/réparer les bugs d'affichage) 2012-10-01T21:02:40 Ok 2012-10-01T21:03:25 En plus, il faudrait que j'ouvre Steam en mode "développeur" pour savoir ce qui se passe précisément. 2012-10-01T21:03:37 (Steam.exe -dev) 2012-10-01T21:04:20 En fait, mon nom sur Steam est le même qu'ici. 2012-10-01T21:06:01 Ok! 2012-10-01T21:06:51 Je ne change pas mon pseudo d'un service à un autre. 2012-10-01T21:07:03 (voire d'un site à un autre) 2012-10-01T21:27:06 C'est plus pratique en effet =P 2012-10-01T21:28:30 Enfin, je changerai peut-être mon pseudo pour ce mois d'Octobre. 2012-10-01T21:28:45 =P 2012-10-01T21:30:23 *** TonyUK has quit IRC 2012-10-01T21:37:59 Belgium's Got Talent: Plutôt Belgium's Got BUUUUUZZZZZZZZ (enfin, il y a quand même de bons talents dans l'émission) 2012-10-01T21:39:44 xDDDDDDDD 2012-10-01T21:41:32 Tu rates ton intro: BUZZ. Tu te présentes avec des animaux: BUZZ. Tu chantes comme une tapette: BUZZ. 2012-10-01T21:42:32 ..et maintenant, je ris comme un con. 2012-10-01T21:43:57 (enfin, j'ai ri comme un con) 2012-10-01T21:45:45 PS: J'adore exagérer un petit peu~ 2012-10-01T21:52:33 lol 2012-10-01T22:23:57 CEST MORT!!!! 2012-10-01T22:24:32 *** fsvgm777 is now known as Yuyuko-sama 2012-10-01T22:24:41 Je suis déjà mort~ 2012-10-01T22:24:49 *** Yuyuko-sama is now known as fsvgm777 2012-10-01T22:24:55 *ahem* 2012-10-01T22:25:56 *tousse* 2012-10-01T22:26:02 *** NightLunya is now known as Flandre-sama 2012-10-01T22:26:13 Et moi je suis ressuscité en vampire o/ ~~ 2012-10-01T22:26:19 (ou né, je sais plus) 2012-10-01T22:26:24 *** Flandre-sama is now known as NightLunya 2012-10-01T22:26:32 .*ZBAF* 2012-10-01T22:28:01 Les vampires ne sont-ils pas morts-vivants? 2012-10-01T22:28:42 En principe oui 2012-10-01T22:38:36 Je pense que les soeurs Scarlet sont nées vampires, mais il n'y a aucun indice. 2012-10-01T22:39:13 Je pense qu'elles sont nées vampire, mais y'a un doute quand meme... 2012-10-01T22:39:44 Car le thème de Remilia mentionne "Septette for a dead princess" ... ce qui peut laisser suggérer une ancienne duchesse ressuscitée en vampire? 2012-10-01T22:40:02 Par contre c'est vrai que prétendre d'être né de Dracula confirmerait plus qu'elle soit née vampire 2012-10-01T22:41:43 *** TonyUK has joined #thcrap 2012-10-01T22:41:49 Et puis, le SDM n'a presque pas de fenêtres. 2012-10-01T22:42:40 Mhhh... elle en a quand meme quelques uns lors des passages le long des couloirs 2012-10-01T22:48:05 D'après le wiki anglais, les fenêtres sont de couleur écarlate. 2012-10-01T22:48:20 "From the outside, one can see scarlet-colored windows, but there aren't many windows in the first place because of the nature of its residents." 2012-10-01T22:49:30 Intéressants... 2012-10-01T22:49:34 -s 2012-10-01T22:50:25 *** Nazeo has joined #thcrap 2012-10-01T22:50:45 Ma théorie serait donc que la couleur écarlate "empêche" les rayons de soleil de passer et que Remilia peut passer dans ces couloirs en toute sécurité. 2012-10-01T22:51:03 (un peu comme les lunettes de soleil) 2012-10-01T22:52:23 Bonne théorie :3 2012-10-01T22:57:41 Et d'habitude, je ne théorise pas. 2012-10-01T22:58:36 *** Sosso has quit IRC 2012-10-01T23:43:30 Je m'ennuie ><" 2012-10-01T23:43:51 Et moi, je vais bientôt au lit. 2012-10-01T23:51:17 Bonne nuit~ 2012-10-01T23:52:02 Bonne nuit! 2012-10-01T23:52:32 *** fsvgm777 has quit IRC