2012-05-31T00:40:02 *** TonyUK has quit IRC 2012-05-31T00:53:22 *** Ibaraki_Ibuki is now known as Iberightbacki 2012-05-31T01:11:32 *** TonyUK has joined #User_Database 2012-05-31T01:23:44 *** Nazeo has joined #User_Database 2012-05-31T01:24:00 I may have to dash off again... 2012-05-31T01:24:24 Well, it's no problem, anyway. I'm kinda angry now. 2012-05-31T01:24:28 Stupid extension. 2012-05-31T01:24:29 ? 2012-05-31T01:24:30 Oh 2012-05-31T01:24:33 Damn 2012-05-31T01:24:42 What's it doing? 2012-05-31T01:24:45 Or rather, not? 2012-05-31T01:25:12 In the end, it just boils down to a thin wrapper over normal page transclusion 2012-05-31T01:25:37 ... with an ugly interface to hide the fact from the editors 2012-05-31T01:25:40 *** Iberightbacki is now known as Ibaraki_Ibuki 2012-05-31T01:26:40 Is Mediawiki "hackable"? 2012-05-31T01:27:31 As in, if I could modify it well and simple? 2012-05-31T01:27:42 Yeah 2012-05-31T01:27:53 If I knew PHP, maybe 2012-05-31T01:27:59 Oh dear 2012-05-31T01:28:07 I don't know that either 2012-05-31T01:29:18 It's a terribly designed, unintuitive, and essentially worthless these days anyway 2012-05-31T01:29:37 Its only benefit is the wide support by cheap web-hosters 2012-05-31T01:29:38 What replaced it? 2012-05-31T01:29:40 oh 2012-05-31T01:30:13 Stuff like Python, Ruby, ASP.NET and so on 2012-05-31T01:31:36 But they all usually require more expensive servers 2012-05-31T01:31:47 Due to size, correct? 2012-05-31T01:33:21 Well... they don't usually offer it packaged, so you need a server with super-user access to install and administer it yourself 2012-05-31T01:33:52 I have one of those, so it'd be no problem... 2012-05-31T01:34:07 Is the work involved justify the end? 2012-05-31T01:34:36 Yeah, definitely. You can do literally _everything_ with those things. 2012-05-31T01:34:54 Like unix 2012-05-31T01:35:08 Exactly, they mostly run Linux of some kind 2012-05-31T01:36:14 My server for example runs De, the chat bot, another Python-based wiki and a BitTorrent client all at once 2012-05-31T01:36:34 For 8 € a month 2012-05-31T01:36:53 That reminds me 2012-05-31T01:36:56 Hoe 2012-05-31T01:36:57 *How 2012-05-31T01:37:04 is the $ going for ya? 2012-05-31T01:38:36 Well... I'm living a rather calm lifestyle. I don't get that much money, but I still don't know where to put it... 2012-05-31T01:39:16 So yeah, I have plenty 2012-05-31T01:40:04 Even if our little project becomes so popular that I have to upgrade the server to a more powerful one, it'd be no problem 2012-05-31T01:40:35 Well, I am getting a summer job so if $ becomes an issue, just ask and I'll see what I can do 2012-05-31T01:41:03 Thanks, but it certainly won't anytime soon ;-) 2012-05-31T01:41:25 Just know I'm there if you need me. Anything at all 2012-05-31T01:41:42 Well, within my power anyway, haha 2012-05-31T01:44:51 Hmm... I'm a bit undecided right now if we should scrap this extension or use it after all 2012-05-31T01:45:09 Is there any alternatives? 2012-05-31T01:45:10 A thin wrapper is probably better than no wrapper at all 2012-05-31T01:45:12 If we do? 2012-05-31T01:47:29 The alternative would be... well, I don't think there is any 2012-05-31T01:48:04 Well, then I guess we need to figure out the extension then :( 2012-05-31T01:48:07 Everything else would involve more duplication of content. Which, according to my personal appeal, I want to go to great lengths to avoid 2012-05-31T01:48:14 Right 2012-05-31T01:51:21 *sigh* Maybe I just feel bad to admit that I was wrong. I thought that any kind of page transclusion for translations would be too annoying and cumbersome, but apparently, it is handled better than I thought... 2012-05-31T01:52:09 It's alright to be wrong. It's what you plan to do after realizing this. 2012-05-31T01:52:13 After all, I have never seen a page that, in an extreme case, includes 3 000 others 2012-05-31T01:52:20 Yesh... 2012-05-31T01:52:50 At least I know now that having 3 000 variables on a page causes it to load for 20 seconds 2012-05-31T01:54:00 Second issue: I'd certainly do some hacking to beautify that translation interface... 2012-05-31T01:54:08 Progression? 2012-05-31T01:54:17 But honestly, that's time I rather spend with other things 2012-05-31T01:55:10 Well ok then 2012-05-31T01:55:18 We can put that on a to-do list 2012-05-31T01:55:35 Right now, I'm trying to figure why the table doesn't work... 2012-05-31T01:55:43 Which one? 2012-05-31T01:55:59 I replaced de with tr 2012-05-31T01:56:13 I think there is more to it than that 2012-05-31T01:56:19 I was doing IN Border Team 2012-05-31T01:57:00 U want a screenshot? 2012-05-31T01:57:04 Yeah 2012-05-31T01:57:58 http://dl.dropbox.com/u/33350662/SadFace.png 2012-05-31T01:59:05 Hah, oh my 2012-05-31T01:59:25 ! 2012-05-31T01:59:29 You should have searched for "|de", with the pipe in front 2012-05-31T01:59:30 I saw what happened 2012-05-31T01:59:35 Yeah, lol 2012-05-31T01:59:44 It changed the wrong stuff with it 2012-05-31T01:59:47 Wow... 2012-05-31T01:59:54 Took me forever to figure out 2012-05-31T02:00:45 You probably don't notice how it also messes up the dialog text itself 2012-05-31T02:00:53 I didn't 2012-05-31T02:01:05 Fair. 2012-05-31T02:02:23 Oh wait, that should be the Spanish one? 2012-05-31T02:02:36 Yeah, I borrowed from the one you did 2012-05-31T02:03:06 Um, the copy-pasting will be done in the interface, not in wiki page code 2012-05-31T02:03:26 As I said, no duplication necessary :-) 2012-05-31T02:04:18 Where can I find this "interface"? 2012-05-31T02:04:34 (Nazeo feels stupid) 2012-05-31T02:04:39 You'll find it when I prepared the source page 2012-05-31T02:05:20 Kk! 2012-05-31T02:31:04 Ooooh 2012-05-31T02:31:05 Interesting 2012-05-31T02:31:12 We may have a "customer" 2012-05-31T02:31:15 http://www.shrinemaiden.org/forum/index.php/topic,12747.0.html 2012-05-31T02:31:17 <[Bot]TwilightSpa> Title: Language patches (at www.shrinemaiden.org) 2012-05-31T02:31:22 What's your opinion on this? 2012-05-31T02:31:58 Someone you want me talking to? 2012-05-31T02:32:01 Or no? 2012-05-31T02:32:05 Oh my... Why Shrinemaiden, of all this places... 2012-05-31T02:32:13 * Nazeo shrugs 2012-05-31T02:32:15 *these 2012-05-31T02:32:53 We take all kinds, eh? 2012-05-31T02:32:54 If he posts there, he will be either 1) ignored or 2) quickly directed to the English patch groups 2012-05-31T02:33:01 Well 2012-05-31T02:33:08 That's where we step in 2012-05-31T02:33:11 Right? 2012-05-31T02:33:19 Yes, but... our project isn't in a presentable state right now... 2012-05-31T02:33:32 I'd be too shy to publicly post in such a place at this time 2012-05-31T02:33:45 I can be an envoy if you so wish... 2012-05-31T02:33:58 And uh 2012-05-31T02:34:03 Pms are an option too 2012-05-31T02:34:22 I mean, this really is the best thing that could happen to us... 2012-05-31T02:34:33 Too bad that he didn't specify _which_ languages 2012-05-31T02:34:38 I can ask 2012-05-31T02:34:42 :/ 2012-05-31T02:34:52 If it's one that is already covered on .net... 2012-05-31T02:35:01 Lesee... 2012-05-31T02:35:16 he doesn't want english per se 2012-05-31T02:35:23 Cuz his friend does not speak it 2012-05-31T02:35:31 I figured as much. 2012-05-31T02:35:48 Yeah, ask him which language he means 2012-05-31T02:35:54 Kk! 2012-05-31T02:36:00 Pm or public? 2012-05-31T02:36:14 Doesn't matter. 2012-05-31T02:36:16 kk 2012-05-31T02:37:13 Oh yeah! 2012-05-31T02:37:20 ? 2012-05-31T02:37:25 PM him and tell him to come here! 2012-05-31T02:37:30 Great idea! 2012-05-31T02:37:37 Nice thinking! 2012-05-31T02:38:58 *sigh* I should calm down... 2012-05-31T02:39:04 ? 2012-05-31T02:39:07 What's up? 2012-05-31T02:39:28 The Shrinemaiden people can't harm us much. 2012-05-31T02:39:38 ? 2012-05-31T02:39:46 If anything, they'd just tell him how to operate thtk 2012-05-31T02:39:46 I never saw them as an obstacle to overcome 2012-05-31T02:39:51 thtk? 2012-05-31T02:40:09 http://code.google.com/p/thtk/ 2012-05-31T02:40:10 <[Bot]TwilightSpa> Title: thtk - Touhou Toolkit - Google Project Hosting (at code.google.com) 2012-05-31T02:40:23 Ah 2012-05-31T02:40:24 I see 2012-05-31T02:40:47 Sent 2012-05-31T02:41:18 I just feared that maybe some of the usual patch people would offer their help to get this done 2012-05-31T02:41:31 Font hacks and stuff. 2012-05-31T02:41:46 I'll send out the call saying "He's mine!" 2012-05-31T02:41:47 lol 2012-05-31T02:43:35 I'll fight tooth and nail for him, if you so wish 2012-05-31T02:43:54 Thanks. 2012-05-31T02:44:00 * Nazeo salutes 2012-05-31T02:44:03 That reminds me... 2012-05-31T02:44:04 I will not let you down 2012-05-31T02:44:05 Yes? 2012-05-31T02:44:12 Doesn't DeltaSierra4 come here too? 2012-05-31T02:44:45 Yeah, he does occasionally 2012-05-31T02:44:58 What's up? 2012-05-31T02:45:24 I don't know how the patch situation for Korean is, but do you think he may support us, despite having Ko on .net? 2012-05-31T02:45:36 Hmmm... 2012-05-31T02:45:40 I could ask 2012-05-31T02:46:13 Of course only if he's willing to do dialog translations in the first place. 2012-05-31T02:46:22 That's fair 2012-05-31T02:50:05 zh no thanks 2012-05-31T02:50:24 Heh, sure. 2012-05-31T02:50:41 China has enough talented hackers to deal with stuff like this. 2012-05-31T02:51:23 Oh, so you trying to get the underappreciated languages a chance, right? 2012-05-31T02:51:30 That's noble of you 2012-05-31T02:53:34 *** Nmlgc1 has joined #User_Database 2012-05-31T02:53:57 2012-05-31T02:51:23 Oh, so you trying to get the underappreciated languages a chance, right? 2012-05-31T02:51:30 That's noble of you 2012-05-31T02:54:09 That's what I've said thus far 2012-05-31T02:54:40 Well, I'll give every language a chance. 2012-05-31T02:54:55 But I already imagined that zh would reject it :-) 2012-05-31T02:55:00 *** Nmlgc has quit IRC 2012-05-31T02:55:07 Lol 2012-05-31T02:55:25 Hm, news on Ko patch, DS4 feels that since the patch is a different manner from .net it isn't any of his business since that takes place in the Korean fandom... 2012-05-31T02:55:34 * Nazeo holds up hands helplessy 2012-05-31T02:56:05 I see. 2012-05-31T02:56:53 After all, it still looks like a project initiated by the German community 2012-05-31T02:57:16 ? 2012-05-31T02:57:50 Well that sucks; just because it's german doesn't mean it should have a bearing on our objectives... 2012-05-31T02:57:53 >:( 2012-05-31T02:58:13 It's not a detriment 2012-05-31T02:58:51 Hmm... 2012-05-31T02:59:21 As far as I have seen, he hasn't started dialogue translations yet 2012-05-31T02:59:38 Maybe we should discuss this again once he does 2012-05-31T02:59:49 Ah 2012-05-31T02:59:54 Perhaps 2012-05-31T03:04:22 Em, well maybe not. 2012-05-31T03:04:25 He states that he's no longer connected with the Korean Fanbase as you are no longer connected with Touhou Fanbase. So that leaves it up to the Korean Fanbase. 2012-05-31T03:04:30 :/ 2012-05-31T03:04:56 OK, then we couldn't have done anything anyway 2012-05-31T03:05:02 Sorry. 2012-05-31T03:05:36 But then, why does he do Ko? 2012-05-31T03:06:06 Lol, the same could be said why you do patches? :3 2012-05-31T03:06:25 1) Technical challenge 2012-05-31T03:06:28 2) Compassion 2012-05-31T03:06:38 3) Internet fame 2012-05-31T03:06:59 Hmm... personally I'd have 1 and 2 switched 2012-05-31T03:07:02 lol 2012-05-31T03:07:07 But that's just me 2012-05-31T03:13:53 *** Shiizendame has joined #User_Database 2012-05-31T03:13:58 Hi hi! 2012-05-31T03:14:06 Oh, Hi. 2012-05-31T03:14:18 It was you who sent me that message through MoTK, right? 2012-05-31T03:14:45 Hello. Your patch question actually came just at the right time. 2012-05-31T03:14:48 Yes it was 2012-05-31T03:15:04 oh, thanks. 2012-05-31T03:15:17 I'm from the German Touhou community, and we're working on some kind of automatic wiki-based patch system 2012-05-31T03:15:29 and I want to start patching on spanish, which is my language. 2012-05-31T03:15:44 wow, I guess there are people from around the world here... 2012-05-31T03:16:03 Tu tambien? 2012-05-31T03:16:04 :3 2012-05-31T03:16:14 sip :D 2012-05-31T03:16:30 And I'm a British resident 2012-05-31T03:16:30 What a coincidence! We've recently contacted the Spanish community if we could support them in their efforts 2012-05-31T03:16:54 *** USER__ has joined #User_Database 2012-05-31T03:17:03 Don't mind me, I am Shiizendame. 2012-05-31T03:17:06 Kk 2012-05-31T03:17:10 *** Shiizendame has quit IRC 2012-05-31T03:17:28 There are Spanish patches for at least EoSD, MoF, GFW and TD already 2012-05-31T03:17:42 hmm... 2012-05-31T03:17:48 But they were never properly hosted 2012-05-31T03:18:01 well, I would like to work on an spanish patch for IN. 2012-05-31T03:18:07 That's a shame... 2012-05-31T03:18:25 hey, I know an IRC forum of the Latin-American touhou community... 2012-05-31T03:19:12 I could tell them about those patches... 2012-05-31T03:19:17 Since that shows that those guys are at least motivated (more than the Germans at least), we offered them to re-create those patches using our engine, but we haven't heard anything back yet 2012-05-31T03:19:28 Well, the thing is, the patcher is still in development 2012-05-31T03:19:53 *** USER__ is now known as Shiizendame 2012-05-31T03:20:05 I think I may get a first pre-alpha version (patching only dialogue) done in... maybe two weeks from now 2012-05-31T03:20:05 I think he can still do IN 2012-05-31T03:20:43 Sorry if all of this comes across too convoluted, I'm a bit overwhelmed right now 2012-05-31T03:20:54 don't worry, 2012-05-31T03:21:00 I have been in worser situations. 2012-05-31T03:21:58 so, how am I supposed to patch the game? 2012-05-31T03:22:07 or at least translate it? 2012-05-31T03:22:14 So, basically what this boils down to, is that you just translate content on the wiki, upload images, etc. 2012-05-31T03:22:32 ... and then, the patcher will always download the newest translations directly from there 2012-05-31T03:22:56 I suppose that's why my english patches never worked when the internet got cut... 2012-05-31T03:23:09 well, what wiki are we talking about? 2012-05-31T03:23:16 Heh, no, that's certainly not the issue 2012-05-31T03:23:33 then what is the issue? 2012-05-31T03:23:48 It's a quite revolutionary system, completely different to the static kind of patching that the English patches do 2012-05-31T03:24:11 ...? 2012-05-31T03:24:26 You'll be working here http://wiki.touhou-forum.de/wiki/Spezial:Letzte_%C3%84nderungen 2012-05-31T03:24:27 <[Bot]TwilightSpa> Title: Letzte Änderungen – Touhou Wiki (at wiki.touhou-forum.de) 2012-05-31T03:24:33 ... yeah. 2012-05-31T03:24:36 With us! 2012-05-31T03:24:38 XD 2012-05-31T03:24:45 yay :DD 2012-05-31T03:25:02 Right now, the thing is hosted on the "official German Touhou Wiki"... 2012-05-31T03:25:17 I know, I know, there is a Spanish wiki already at es.touhouwiki.net 2012-05-31T03:25:20 But: 2012-05-31T03:25:23 I liek dat Mystia image :3 2012-05-31T03:25:31 the spanish wiki sucks. 2012-05-31T03:25:54 I mean, it has less than half the info the english wiki has. 2012-05-31T03:26:01 1) Nazeo and I aren't on good terms with .net anymore 2012-05-31T03:26:08 Well... 2012-05-31T03:26:23 I'm still loyal to them, but yeah, I had a falling out 2012-05-31T03:26:30 2) The patch system requires us to post the game endings on the wiki, which .net would never ever allow 2012-05-31T03:26:41 That is true 2012-05-31T03:27:06 hmm... 2012-05-31T03:27:27 So, if you have any questions, just ask me or Nmlgc! 2012-05-31T03:27:30 XD 2012-05-31T03:27:41 but, 2012-05-31T03:27:44 ? 2012-05-31T03:27:48 that link you gave me... 2012-05-31T03:27:53 Which one? 2012-05-31T03:27:54 I don't know german ._. 2012-05-31T03:27:57 Ah 2012-05-31T03:28:02 You can change that 2012-05-31T03:28:05 In your perfences 2012-05-31T03:28:14 Would you like a screenshot to guide you along? 2012-05-31T03:28:16 :3 2012-05-31T03:28:17 Yeah, we're currently thinking about the exact same issue. 2012-05-31T03:28:24 please do ._. 2012-05-31T03:28:47 (what I'm referring to Nmlgc is the perferences) 2012-05-31T03:28:54 kk 2012-05-31T03:28:55 Since we're planning to incorporate the Spanish translations into the "German wiki" anyway, I think about closing it down and reopening it as a "global patch wiki" 2012-05-31T03:29:19 ummm... 2012-05-31T03:29:32 But that depends, of course, on the other editors, if they would be OK with it 2012-05-31T03:29:35 wouldn't that render all the patches you did based on that wiki unoperative? 2012-05-31T03:29:56 Not at all, it would just boil down to an URL change 2012-05-31T03:30:18 but that would require you to edit some things on the patches, right? 2012-05-31T03:30:26 Oh! 2012-05-31T03:30:30 Lemme show u something 2012-05-31T03:30:49 wiki.touhou-forum.de/wiki/Phantasmagoria_of_Flower_View/Historia/Escenario_de_Reimu 2012-05-31T03:30:55 Is the spanish one I've worked on 2012-05-31T03:31:02 The patch system will be quite sophisticated, and that is one of the easiest problems it can deal with. 2012-05-31T03:31:15 yay :DD 2012-05-31T03:31:21 Nmlgc's is http://wiki.touhou-forum.de/wiki/Phantasmagoria_of_Flower_View/Story/Reimus_Szenario 2012-05-31T03:31:22 <[Bot]TwilightSpa> Title: Phantasmagoria of Flower View/Story/Reimus Szenario – Touhou Wiki (at wiki.touhou-forum.de) 2012-05-31T03:31:25 So don't worry 2012-05-31T03:31:45 well, one of the problems I find with the english patch is that the text is too big and sometimes it looks broken ._. 2012-05-31T03:32:02 You came to the right place then! 2012-05-31T03:32:09 Nmlgc deals in such matters 2012-05-31T03:32:22 He can address those problems 2012-05-31T03:32:36 Yeah, I'm going to deal with issues like these very soon 2012-05-31T03:32:48 You may start translating... let's see... maybe 2 days from now? 2012-05-31T03:33:02 2 days from now... 2012-05-31T03:33:05 I'm currently in the process of migrating the dialog pages to a new multilanguage system. 2012-05-31T03:33:10 oh, ok. 2012-05-31T03:33:18 I don't have a problem with that, 2012-05-31T03:33:23 as I am a tad lazy... 2012-05-31T03:33:30 So just check back here and we'll give you the status updates :3 2012-05-31T03:33:51 anyways I set up chatzilla to open up this IRC channel whenever I open it :D 2012-05-31T03:33:58 Yay~ 2012-05-31T03:34:21 oh, and sorry if it took me some time to come here, 2012-05-31T03:34:24 If you could find other people who wants to work with us, that'd be awesome too 2012-05-31T03:34:28 Oh np dude! 2012-05-31T03:34:33 We glad you are here! 2012-05-31T03:34:34 I was trying to beat Mamizou ._. 2012-05-31T03:34:37 other people... 2012-05-31T03:34:38 lol 2012-05-31T03:34:49 that would be interesting. 2012-05-31T03:35:19 also, I have so far only been abe to beat mamizou with Reimu (mainly because I only completed story mode with Reimu) 2012-05-31T03:35:28 and today I am trying to beat her with sanae. 2012-05-31T03:35:30 Farther than me 2012-05-31T03:35:35 I can't get past Yoshika 2012-05-31T03:35:36 :/ 2012-05-31T03:35:51 Thanks to Mamizou, I hate dogs, birds, frogs, raccoons and people ._. 2012-05-31T03:35:58 in what difficulty? 2012-05-31T03:36:09 Normal... 2012-05-31T03:36:12 Cuz I suck 2012-05-31T03:36:13 lol 2012-05-31T03:36:16 gtg 2012-05-31T03:36:18 *** Shiizendame has quit IRC 2012-05-31T03:36:26 Yay! 2012-05-31T03:36:31 Success! 2012-05-31T03:49:22 *** Shiizendame has joined #User_Database 2012-05-31T03:49:38 Welcome back! 2012-05-31T03:49:39 back ._. 2012-05-31T03:49:50 I was supposed to be studying history ._. 2012-05-31T03:50:00 Ah 2012-05-31T03:50:03 What kind? 2012-05-31T03:50:04 aaaand dad caught me in an IRC channel ._. 2012-05-31T03:50:08 History... 2012-05-31T03:50:26 1st world war and the "Japanese Miracle"... 2012-05-31T03:50:30 We can talk history 2012-05-31T03:50:31 Ok 2012-05-31T03:50:44 Any specific questions? :3 2012-05-31T03:50:45 also, I read what you have written in you Reimu scenario, nad... 2012-05-31T03:50:46 *and 2012-05-31T03:51:01 no thanks, I don't wanna talk about history now ._. 2012-05-31T03:51:20 kk 2012-05-31T03:51:25 Oh 2012-05-31T03:51:34 I know my spanish is less than execellent 2012-05-31T03:51:40 If you can fix, that be great 2012-05-31T03:51:41 please don't get offended, but your scripting seems so... like what you'd expect from google translator ._. 2012-05-31T03:51:44 lol 2012-05-31T03:51:45 mind if I help you? 2012-05-31T03:51:48 Sure! 2012-05-31T03:52:02 A me gusta eso 2012-05-31T03:52:07 Oh wait 2012-05-31T03:52:07 good, but I need a copy of the english script because I don't know japanese ._. 2012-05-31T03:52:14 A me gustaria eso 2012-05-31T03:52:15 *A mi me gusta eso 2012-05-31T03:52:16 English 2012-05-31T03:52:21 lol 2012-05-31T03:52:24 bad at this 2012-05-31T03:52:25 sure 2012-05-31T03:52:33 yup, a copy of the english script... 2012-05-31T03:52:55 http://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Phantasmagoria_of_Flower_View/Story/Reimu%27s_Scenario 2012-05-31T03:52:56 <[Bot]TwilightSpa> Title: Phantasmagoria of Flower View/Story/Reimu's Scenario - Touhou Wiki - Characters, games, locations, and more (at en.touhouwiki.net) 2012-05-31T03:52:58 here ya go 2012-05-31T03:53:29 yay 2012-05-31T03:56:02 Alright, the IN Border Team scenario should now be translatable through the extension's interface 2012-05-31T03:56:09 Just fixed Cirno's encounter on the first tab. 2012-05-31T03:56:16 Yay! 2012-05-31T03:56:26 Oh... 2012-05-31T03:56:44 ? 2012-05-31T03:57:08 Shiizendame, you probably won't be able to save since the question captchas for unregistered users are in German 2012-05-31T03:57:25 Can I help him? 2012-05-31T03:57:30 don't worry, I'll pastebin the finished code and give it to you. 2012-05-31T03:57:37 :/ 2012-05-31T03:57:52 Fine. 2012-05-31T03:57:53 I'd rather you make a acc; it be easier on u 2012-05-31T03:58:04 I'll guide u through it 2012-05-31T03:58:09 Wait, wait! 2012-05-31T03:58:17 * Nazeo is waiting 2012-05-31T03:58:30 There is this extension I wanted to install which allows unregistered users to change the interface language 2012-05-31T03:58:41 I see 2012-05-31T03:58:53 Shiizendame, you get to be part of the test today! 2012-05-31T03:59:16 so I'm gonna be a test subject? 2012-05-31T04:00:56 Yep! 2012-05-31T04:01:00 Fun fun fun 2012-05-31T04:02:18 I just finished Reimu vs. Mystia's script. 2012-05-31T04:02:42 Whoa 2012-05-31T04:02:45 U are fast 2012-05-31T04:02:51 It takes me awhile to do those 2012-05-31T04:02:54 yep. 2012-05-31T04:03:17 because I have spoke spanish for all my almost-13-years-long life. 2012-05-31T04:03:48 Woah 2012-05-31T04:03:59 That's hardcore 2012-05-31T04:04:06 I only have about 4 2012-05-31T04:04:12 Although I have a background in it 2012-05-31T04:04:24 Coincidentemente estoy aprendiendo español tambíen~ 2012-05-31T04:04:33 well, not actually 13 because I didn't speak when I was 3... 2012-05-31T04:04:36 My dad didn;t want me to learn because he thought it would mess with my english 2012-05-31T04:04:39 lol 2012-05-31T04:04:48 so I guess I have been speaking spanish for like 10(?) years :D 2012-05-31T04:05:03 One language messing up the other? 2012-05-31T04:05:21 I have been speaking english since I was 5 and none of both languages have ever mixed together. 2012-05-31T04:05:34 I even start thinking in english randomly ._. 2012-05-31T04:05:35 I know... 2012-05-31T04:05:40 My dad is silly 2012-05-31T04:05:54 Even though it can happen. 2012-05-31T04:06:21 for example, there are people in my english class that sound more awkward when speaking english than YOU writing spanish ._. 2012-05-31T04:06:47 Oh no 2012-05-31T04:06:55 Me speaking spanish is just as bad 2012-05-31T04:07:05 I can understand it better than anything else I can do 2012-05-31T04:07:06 :/ 2012-05-31T04:07:33 believe me, it's worse, 2012-05-31T04:07:55 and we're supposed to be in the upper-intermediate english class :/ 2012-05-31T04:07:59 lol 2012-05-31T04:08:30 so I am the best in my class in english, 2012-05-31T04:08:43 and it has been like that since the very time I entered school ._. 2012-05-31T04:09:39 Alright, language selector should work now. 2012-05-31T04:09:56 hm? 2012-05-31T04:09:58 Try it out Shiizendame! 2012-05-31T04:10:09 oh, just let me finish Reimu vs. Lyrica. 2012-05-31T04:10:34 If you load any page, it should now automatically default to your web browser's language. 2012-05-31T04:10:47 Nazeo, could you log out, clear your cookies and try it? 2012-05-31T04:10:58 *log out from the wiki 2012-05-31T04:11:38 I know it's, like, REALLY wrong to do this, but... 2012-05-31T04:11:46 I just find what you did here hilarious... 2012-05-31T04:12:14 You don't say "un pedazo de la torta", you say "pan comido". 2012-05-31T04:12:25 just keep that in mind, or you'll sound ridiculous. 2012-05-31T04:13:54 lol 2012-05-31T04:13:57 I'll remember that 2012-05-31T04:14:11 Nlgc, I will 2012-05-31T04:15:06 * Nmlgc1 tries a random proxy 2012-05-31T04:15:36 wow, now it worked even before I created an account ._. 2012-05-31T04:15:45 ... 2012-05-31T04:15:48 partially. 2012-05-31T04:15:59 what does "Abkürzung des ersten Touhou-Spiels (4 Buchstaben)" mean? 2012-05-31T04:16:20 Abbreviation of the first Touhou game (4 letters) 2012-05-31T04:16:29 So it's "hrtp" 2012-05-31T04:16:39 I know, I have played it ._. 2012-05-31T04:17:34 and now, I have an account. 2012-05-31T04:17:36 yay. 2012-05-31T04:17:41 I gtg make Flan for my spanish project... 2012-05-31T04:17:46 * Shiizendame throws a party 2012-05-31T04:17:48 lol 2012-05-31T04:17:51 Yay~ 2012-05-31T04:17:56 make flan for your spanish project? 2012-05-31T04:17:56 \o 2012-05-31T04:17:59 Yesh 2012-05-31T04:18:00 lol 2012-05-31T04:18:05 that's weird... 2012-05-31T04:18:09 but I guess it's ok. 2012-05-31T04:18:12 bye :D 2012-05-31T04:18:12 lol 2012-05-31T04:18:15 Then presnt it 2012-05-31T04:18:16 Oh 2012-05-31T04:18:30 *** Nazeo has quit IRC 2012-05-31T04:26:16 recorded changes, I corrected everything up to Tewi. 2012-05-31T04:26:22 I still have to do the rest. 2012-05-31T04:26:28 gonna beat Mamizou now~ 2012-05-31T04:26:39 Alright. I'll be off soon too 2012-05-31T04:38:15 I just died at Full Moon Pompokolin ._. 2012-05-31T04:42:16 OK, you could start with IN Border Team through the new translation interface right away 2012-05-31T04:42:26 wiki.touhou-forum.de/wiki/Imperishable_Night/Story/Boundary_Team's_Scenario 2012-05-31T04:44:03 ummm... 2012-05-31T04:44:16 I don't know japanese, and I don't know how the wiki works ._. 2012-05-31T04:44:23 http://es.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Imperishable_Night/Historia/Escenario_de_Boundary_Team_1 2012-05-31T04:44:25 <[Bot]TwilightSpa> Title: Imperishable Night/Historia/Escenario de Boundary Team 1 - Touhou Wiki (at es.touhouwiki.net) 2012-05-31T04:44:55 There already is a translation, so I think you can just copy-paste it for the most part 2012-05-31T04:45:10 Just click on "Translate this page" on the top 2012-05-31T04:45:57 Then, double-click the green lines and enter the translation for this box 2012-05-31T04:46:34 Oh, and take care that the correct language is selected in the top row. 2012-05-31T04:46:35 oh. 2012-05-31T04:47:13 ummm... 2012-05-31T04:47:19 it doesn't let me edit text ._. 2012-05-31T04:49:58 Hmm? Where does it fail exactly? 2012-05-31T04:50:26 it doesn't let me edit anything at the green lines ._. 2012-05-31T04:51:52 When you double-click it, does it show a box where you could enter stuff? 2012-05-31T04:53:45 I never actually double clicked it 2012-05-31T04:53:50 hurr ._. 2012-05-31T04:55:05 Yay, seems to work~ 2012-05-31T04:55:49 Alright, I'm off to bed now. Feel free to play around with the system, and please give some feedback on how it feels, if you prefer it to code editing, and so on. 2012-05-31T04:55:53 Later! 2012-05-31T04:57:02 ok. 2012-05-31T04:57:07 it's nice :3 2012-05-31T04:57:21 *** Nmlgc1 has quit IRC 2012-05-31T05:11:42 *** TonyUK has quit IRC 2012-05-31T06:52:12 *** Shiizendame has quit IRC 2012-05-31T08:33:33 *** Ibaraki_Ibuki has quit IRC 2012-05-31T13:20:26 *** KyoriAsh has quit IRC 2012-05-31T16:09:51 *** Nmlgc has joined #User_Database 2012-05-31T17:23:12 *** Shiizendame has joined #User_Database 2012-05-31T17:25:42 Hi people. 2012-05-31T17:26:09 Hello. 2012-05-31T17:26:41 also, I noticed something on the page you gave me to work... 2012-05-31T17:26:46 there are some messages missing, 2012-05-31T17:26:50 for example, 2012-05-31T17:27:20 in level 1, there's no message that shows Wriggle's name, only one with her description, 2012-05-31T17:27:37 and in level 2, there is no description message, but there is one lace to put her name... 2012-05-31T17:27:46 Ah, that thing. 2012-05-31T17:28:19 so, what do we do about it? 2012-05-31T17:28:52 That's because the boss titles in IN are realized as graphics, but the dialogue scripts still contain some remains of the text-based titles used in previous games 2012-05-31T17:29:13 Which is what you see on the pages. 2012-05-31T17:29:28 hmmm... 2012-05-31T17:29:32 but the boss names? 2012-05-31T17:30:58 So, what you enter in those fields won't be shown in the game anyway 2012-05-31T17:31:16 oh ._. 2012-05-31T17:31:27 well, I'm almost done translating stage 3 dialogue. 2012-05-31T17:34:10 Keep in mind that every single one of these lines corresponds to one text box in the game 2012-05-31T17:34:23 I know. 2012-05-31T17:34:26 And you can always use two lines, even in cases where there is only one in the Japanese version 2012-05-31T17:34:32 and also, 2012-05-31T17:35:02 I noticed the messages on this page barely correspond to the messages up to stage 3. 2012-05-31T17:36:37 Hmm? I don't quite understand what you mean... 2012-05-31T17:37:20 oh, never mind, 2012-05-31T17:37:31 I found out it only shows 100 messages per page ._. 2012-05-31T17:53:29 *** Nmlgc has quit IRC 2012-05-31T17:55:07 *** Nmlgc has joined #User_Database 2012-05-31T17:58:07 *** TonyUk has joined #User_Database 2012-05-31T17:58:32 weird, 2012-05-31T17:58:33 *** TonyUk is now known as TonyUK 2012-05-31T17:58:46 yesterday, you two quit at almost the same time, 2012-05-31T17:58:54 and now, you joined at almost the same time... 2012-05-31T17:59:01 ??? 2012-05-31T17:59:10 Who? Me and Nmlgc? 2012-05-31T17:59:14 yup. 2012-05-31T17:59:17 lol 2012-05-31T17:59:22 idk 2012-05-31T17:59:27 oh well. 2012-05-31T17:59:27 coincidence 2012-05-31T17:59:38 btw, I'm almost done translating stage 4B. 2012-05-31T18:24:29 *** Nmlgc is now known as Nomlgc 2012-05-31T18:37:05 *** KyoriAsh has joined #User_Database 2012-05-31T18:44:54 *** KyoriAsh has quit IRC 2012-05-31T18:46:28 *** KyoriAsh has joined #User_Database 2012-05-31T19:03:22 *** TonyUK has quit IRC 2012-05-31T19:10:43 *** Nomlgc is now known as Nmlgc|afk 2012-05-31T20:29:41 *** Ibaraki_Ibuki has joined #User_Database 2012-05-31T21:04:43 *** Nmlgc|afk is now known as Nmlgc 2012-05-31T21:26:14 *** Nmlgc has quit IRC 2012-05-31T21:26:48 *** Shiizendame has quit IRC 2012-05-31T21:27:00 *** Nmlgc has joined #User_Database 2012-05-31T21:41:45 *** Shiizendame has joined #User_Database 2012-05-31T21:47:06 *** Ibaraki_Ibuki has quit IRC 2012-05-31T21:50:02 *** KyoriAsh has quit IRC 2012-05-31T21:50:39 slow IRC day huh... 2012-05-31T21:51:21 That's how it's usually like in here 2012-05-31T21:52:02 I guess... 2012-05-31T21:52:10 I have an IRC channel too and that happens... 2012-05-31T21:52:17 *** KyoriAsh has joined #User_Database 2012-05-31T22:54:00 *** Shiizendame has quit IRC 2012-05-31T22:56:48 *** Shiizendame has joined #User_Database 2012-05-31T23:20:23 *** Shiizendame has quit IRC 2012-05-31T23:21:15 *** Shiizendame has joined #User_Database 2012-05-31T23:30:28 *** Shiizendame has quit IRC 2012-05-31T23:40:56 *** Shiizendame has joined #User_Database 2012-05-31T23:58:18 well gtg. 2012-05-31T23:58:49 *** Shiizendame has quit IRC